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Monday, January 5, 2015

Welcome Back!

Good morning, and welcome to the Spring 2015 Semester!  Hard to believe we're already here!  Hope your break was restful, and that you're ready for some fun, hard work.

This week, we will conduct practice runs for Production, in order to work out any glitches and ensure a smooth shooting experience.  We're still waiting to hear back from the Prop House about scheduling our Wardrobe and Set Dec pull, but in the meantime, I can go buy makeup (yay!) as soon as I have a list from Art Department.

EVERYONE will practice their job this week as though it's the real deal; you will be graded 5 points per day on your ability to complete your job and adhere to the criteria in the Production Rubric.

View the necessary documents and info on the "Production" Blendspace Lesson:

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