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Monday, March 9, 2015


Congratulations!  You're DONE!  We survived two months of shooting.  Now, it's time to reflect on your learning experience.

Answer the following in an email to me at .  Make sure to NUMBER your answers.  Subject:  Reflection.  Total Value:  10 points

  1.  Looking back over the last two months of production, what do you think were the biggest challenges that YOU faced (independent of anyone else), and HOW did you meet those challenges?  (At least 3 sentences, 3 points)
  2. What were the biggest challenges we faced as a Production Crew, and HOW WELL did we meet those challenges on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) ?  (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)
  3. Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently during Production?
  4. How can we improve this experience for future classes?  (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)
  5. What advice would you give next year's class when they are preparing for production? (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)

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