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Monday, May 11, 2015

1 Week Until Portfolio is Due

Your Final Exam Portfolio, worth 200 points (2/3 of your Final Exam Grade) is due on Monday, May 18th, which is a "C" Day.

Before you can begin shooting/editing today, you must show me your Desktop Final Portfolio Folder, which should contain all of the projects listed on the Blendspace Lesson.

**Some of you STILL have not submitted your script.  You currently have a 0 for that assignment, and must submit it for a late grade and review before you can film.

You have 2 "block" days to shoot & edit, and Friday to export/assemble your work.  Monday the 18th will be spent uploading your Portfolio.  It will take longer than you think, and I won't accept late portfolios.

You can earn a 5-point bonus by submitting your Final Portfolio early (before Noon on Friday May 15th).

Tuesday May 19th we'll shut the computers down and review for the Final Exam.

Finals Schedule:
Tue. 5/19  C+5th Final
Wed. 5/20 A Day Finals
Thurs. 5/21 B Day Finals
Fri. 5/22  Don't even think about it

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