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Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Storyboards Due--Stay Focused!

As you've no doubt noticed, I'm not here today. Your storyboards are still DUE TODAY by the end of class. You have 5 minutes to read these directions before the sub asks you to log out and begin working. Follow the substitute's instructions exactly. ***People who have cameras checked out--like Anthony, Carlos, and others---DO NOT give your cameras to the Sub. Those MUST be checked in with me!!! You can use them today, but HOLD ON TO THEM until Thursday.

1. You will sit with your team after the sub takes attendance and asks you to LOG OUT.
2. One team member will get a camera and your SD Card (book is on my desk) from the sub.
3. EVERYONE will go out to the cafeteria to take pictures (even people who are done with their storyboard; those folks--like Erick, Ariel, Brenda and Omar---can be "models" for other teams to shoot).
4. Your team will have 15 minutes to shoot your storyboard. DO NOT go around the corner to open classroom areas; stay within sight of the sub.
5. Return with the sub to the classroom; get a cable from the sub & download pictures to iPhoto.
6. Give camera and cable back to sub; you must put your own SD Card away in the book.
7. Finish building your storyboard in Celtx. Every shot needs a Shot Type and description beneath it. Print the storyboard, put your teammates' names on it, and turn it in before you leave. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assignment.

Sub has instructions written down for today, including bathroom passes and computer use. If you are caught off-task (using PhotoBooth, surfing the internet), I will make you call your parents when I return.
ALL STUDENTS are responsible for making sure equipment is returned; I will hold your class responsible for any missing cameras or cables.
Remember, you are representing yourself, me, the class and your Academy today. Make us all proud by staying focused.

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