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Friday, February 22, 2013

Friday, Feb. 22nd

ALL CLASSES: I'm going shopping for materials and supplies for stop-motion this weekend.  This is your LAST CHANCE to revise your Props and Materials list to reflect anything that you need purchased and cannot bring on your own.  After this, it is YOUR TEAM's responsibility to provide whatever is needed for your StopMotion project.

Period 3:
We'll grade your mid-unit vocab test, and then it's on to Storyboards!
  • Your team will shoot a minimum 9-panel storyboard with 3 Keyframes for each phase of the story (Beg., Mid., End), for a 5-point participation grade.
  • Your team will download the photos into iPhoto.
  • Your team will import each sequence into a Storyboard project in Celtx.
  • Create 3 sequences in Celtx, labeled "Beginning", "Middle" and "End".
  • Be sure to use the "Add Image" feature in Celtx to keep your images in the correct sequence.
  • ALL SHOTS must be labeled with shot type & description of action for full credit.
  • Print and submit for 30 points.     
  • Print a second copy and place in your Production Binder for Monday's activity. 
Once that's done, we'll look at example "Action Scripts" for Storyboards.

Period 5:
Your team should finish painting sets today; at least one team member should be working on characters:  For example, creating the marshmallow pig, wiring the laces of the shoe, modifying plastic zombie figures, etc.  ***The Boys' Bathroom was left a MESS from your cleanup on Tuesday.  As a result, we will stop 10 minutes early for cleanup and I will inspect the bathrooms when you are done.
MONDAY is the last day to prep characters and set for FULL grade credit (30 points).  After that, every day you're late to start shooting is a 5-point penalty.

Period 7:
I'm extremely disappointed that only 2 teams turned in their Story Development Worksheets.  Everyone else got a zero (go look at what that did to your 6-week Report Card Grade).  Teams may submit a late Story Dev. Worksheet for half credit today, but must still complete the rest of today's graded activities.

We'll grade your mid-unit vocab test, and then it's on to Storyboards!
  • Your team will shoot a minimum 9-panel storyboard with 3 Keyframes for each phase of the story (Beg., Mid., End), for a 5-point participation grade.
  • Your team will download the photos into iPhoto.
  • Your team will import each sequence into a Storyboard project in Celtx.
  • Create 3 sequences in Celtx, labeled "Beginning", "Middle" and "End".
  • Be sure to use the "Add Image" feature in Celtx to keep your images in the correct sequence.
  • ALL SHOTS must be labeled with shot type & description of action for full credit.
  • Print and submit for 30 points.     
  • Print a second copy and place in your Production Binder for Monday's activity. 
Once that's done, we'll look at example "Action Scripts" for Storyboards.

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