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Thursday, February 7, 2013

Friday, Feb. 8th

Hi There!  I'm only gone for a short part of your class today, so here are instructions to get you started.  Between the Sub and Me, we'll make sure you complete your assignment.  ;)

Period 3:  You'll be watching student examples of Stop-Motion Animation.
Get a half sheet of paper and put your name on it.
List 1 through 5 on the left.
Draw a line down the middle of your paper, top to bottom.
Label the left side "Good".  Label the Right side "Bad".  (Example on back board)

Choose 5 of the student movies to comment on.  For each of the 5 movies, list one thing under the "Good" column that they did well.  List one thing under the "Bad" column that they did poorly.
Turn in before the end of class for 5 points.

Period 5 You have been making such excellent progress on StopMotion!  I am proud of your teams and really excited to start building sets and characters!  Today we'll take a break and watch the first 30 minutes of "Coraline"---it's one of the Stop Motion movies we mentioned last week.
You'll complete a short assignment using the handouts from the Substitute.  Write your answers on a separate piece of paper (don't forget your name!!!) and turn in before the end of class.

Period 7:   You'll be watching student examples of Stop-Motion Animation.
Get a half sheet of paper and put your name on it.
List 1 through 5 on the left.
Draw a line down the middle of your paper, top to bottom.
Label the left side "Good".  Label the Right side "Bad".  (Example on back board)

Choose 5 of the student movies to comment on.  For each of the 5 movies, list one thing under the "Good" column that they did well.  List one thing under the "Bad" column that they did poorly.
Turn in before the end of class for 5 points.

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