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Monday, February 11, 2013

Monday, Feb. 11th

Good morning! Hope you had a restful weekend.
By the way, THANK YOU FOR BEING AWESOME while I was out for staff training on Friday.  YOU ROCK!

Today, we'll grade your analysis from Friday.  Then, we'll move forward as follows:

Period 3 & 7:  Short review of lighting techniques in the "Video" book; then, we'll view a few professional stop-motion videos and analyze (in writing) the following elements:
  • Character
  • Style/tone
  • Story Structure (climax/denoument)
  • Setting (sense of place)
  • Genre
You'll turn that analysis in, and then we'll break up into small "brainstorming" groups to begin generating ideas.  Groups will share their ideas at the end of class and turn in their work.

Some of the examples we'll watch:
Fluffy McCloud
Sorry I'm Late
A Short Love Story
10,000 Pictures of You

Period 5:   Start your Production Binder today!  It's the best way to keep track of your work.  We need to complete a MASTER shopping list today, so your Props and Supply lists MUST BE COMPLETED TODAY and turned in to me.  Make sure you include EVERYTHING you need.  Stuff like:
  • Paint (to paint cardboard if necessary)---color and type
  • Brushes
  • Glue ?
  • Fabric or special materials
  • Hardware (screws, tape, etc.)
  • Materials to make characters (if you're going that route)
  • Anything else necessary to construct the features of your set and characters
This is going to require an ACTIVE discussion on your part, Period 5.  If you give me an incomplete list, you won't have what you need when it's time to film.  Your group WILL be graded on Production Values (the overall look and quality of what you've created), so this phase of your work is extremely important if you wish to do well.

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