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Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Wed. Feb. 12th

Periods 3 & 7: 
 Lots to do! 
  • First, your Brainstorming teams will share out at least one story idea from Friday's activity.
  • Then, it's time to choose teams.  You should team up with peers who share an interest in a similar IDEA for the project.
  • Teams will complete a Story Development Worksheet and hand in by the end of class for 30 points. 
Need to look at examples to get ideas?  Check out my Vimeo "Likes":

Period 5: 
First things first:  Time to clean out the Pd. 5 Props Cabinet!  Take home anything you donated.
Time to get out and play!
Today's "PLAY" has a purpose.  We'll explore the basic mechanical principle behind stop-motion animation:  A series of images, when played back in rapid succession, create the illusion of movement.  Here's how it works:
  • Your team will get a Camera, Tripod and SD Card, and pick up your Storyboard.
  • Working in an open area, you will designate 1 or 2 team members as "characters".
  • Using the "Still Photo" mode on the Camera, you will take a series of photographs as your "characters" re-create a motion sequence from your Storyboard.
  • You should take between 5 and 10 photographs for every SECOND of real-time movement.
  • Pay careful attention to FRAMING (composition), keeping your camera still during shooting, and measuring out incremental movements for your "characters".
Your team will then download the photographs into iPhoto, and import into a new "StopMotion" Project in iMovie.  I'll lead you through a demo that shows you how to speed up a sequence of images to produce the "Persistence of Vision" effect.

Learn More:
How to Shoot Stop Motion

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