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Monday, April 15, 2013

Monday, April 15th

HI All!  Hope you had a great weekend.  Here's the big deal this week:

Submissions for the Digital Desert Film Festival are due by Friday.  I have to have Quick Time files, and ALL paperwork, by Friday in order to burn a DVD to take to Valley HS that afternoon.

Periods 3 & 7:  See posts from April 8th (citations) and April 3rd (grading rubric) for info on finishing your StopMo Animation.

Period 5:  Today you must use your research resources to accomplish the following:
  1. A working definition of your sub-genre IN YOUR OWN WORDS.  You may "quote" short passages from resources in your definition (no more than 8 words), but must cite that resource on the same Power Point slide.
  2. A list of at least 4 example films, and the year they were released, for your subgenre.
  3. A list of key characteristics in these categories:
    • Art Department
    • Plot
    • Characters
You can create all of this in Word, or start Power Point slides if you wish.    
This gives everyone in your group at least one thing to accomplish today.  If you are sitting around just talking, letting someone else do all the work, you will receive a zero for the day and must call home to explain your lack of productivity to your family.

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