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Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Wed., April 17th

Make Up Vocab Today:  (You have a ZERO)
Pearl, Mikaela and Johnny (3rd)
Michael and Ryan (5th)
Elizabeth, Andrew, Jesus, Julian, Devon, Kaharie and Cookie (7th)

All Classes:  Submissions for the Digital Desert Film Festival are due.  Please export a high-resolution Quick Time File to your Desktop, and copy it to the Hard Drive folder marked "Digital Desert 2013".  Check with me to make sure all paperwork has been submitted.

Remember, this is your chance to show what you've done to the world.  If no one else sees it.....does it really exist???

Periods 3 & 7:  Stop-Motion Animation Editing should be complete today.  Export your Quick Time file to the Desktop (save with the title of your project), and copy to the Hard Drive folder titled "StopMotion 2013".

Period 5: We will start proofing your Power Point Presentation.  Compare what you've created against the project requirements:

·      At least 4 slides
  • ·      Must have an Intro slide that defines and explains your Subgenre
  • ·      Use a moderate amount of  text  (no more than 25 words per slide)
  • ·      Must include relevant imagery (i.e. posters, screen shots, character shots, images of props/set dec/etc.)
  • ·      Name at least 2 example films, and show a clip from 1 or more
  • ·      Must include info from your research, with APA style citation.
  • ·      Must include your own statements/inferences about subgenre
  • ·      Check spelling, punctuation and grammar!

To quickly learn more, visit my teacher page and download the SciFi Research Guide:
Ms. T's Webpage
See rubric below:

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