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Monday, September 16, 2013

Catching UP

Hi All,
Thanks once again for your patience and understanding this past week while I've been out, and being so wonderful when I'm here.  It's good to be back in the classroom with you!

We're wrapping up our Power Point Presentations on Careers; if you have not submitted yours, please do so today.  Everyone must sign up for Presentations.

Now we're catching up to our "How To" Videos.  Everyone must sign up to take equipment in the next 8 business days.  See the calendar on the back board. 
Raw footage for your "How To" video is due Wed. 10/2 (Pd. 3) or Thurs. 10/3 (Pd. 4) for 20 points.  Late footage = 0 points.

Pd. 3: We're shooting storyboards today.  Please scroll down to the Storyboarding post for instructions.  Sign up for your Presentation!

Pd. 4: We're starting Career Presentations today, and then we're going to do a Practice Shoot using your Storyboard, to make sure you're prepared for your "How To" video.

Here's the Lesson Plan, in case you're curious:

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