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Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday, Sept. 20th---Reviewing your Practice Footage

Follow these steps for your graded assignment today.  You will sit with your partner after Mr. Key has taken attendance and released you to work!!!

  1. Retrieve your SD Card from the labeled box on my desk.  YOU are responsible for knowing which card you used!!!  Not sure?  Check them ALL.
  2. Load card into your computer.  Your partner will sit next to you.
  3. Get a piece of paper.  Put your name, Period #, and today's date at the top.
  4. Launch iMovie (you must do this after you load the SD Card)
  5. Bring up the import window to watch your footage.
  6. You DO NOT need to import the footage----just watch it in the preview window!
  7. As you watch the practice sessions in iMovie, both of you must answer these questions separately on your own paper:
  • Whose "How To" is this?  What is their name, and their topic?
  • Rate the quality of the imagery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on composition, white balance, appropriate background.
  • Rate the quality of the audio on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on the clarity of the speaker's voice, appropriate volume, amount of background noise.
  • Rate the professional quality of their delivery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on the presenter's attitude, how seriously they take the instructions, and their ability to clearly communicate each step.
  • Rate the sequencing their delivery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on whether they created a series of steps and presented them in a clear order that makes sense.
  • Do you believe you would be able to successfully complete the task they are trying to teach you?  Why or why not?

EVERY STUDENT  should complete two of these reviews.  Didn't record yours?  Go visit another team.
EACH SET OF RESPONSES is worth 12 points, for a total of 24 points Assignment is due in my black basket today.

Final steps:
  1. Eject the SD Card when finished and return to the box on my desk.
  2. Log out.

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