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Monday, December 15, 2014

Final Exam Review!

I can't believe we're here....reviewing for the Final Exam! 

Today's 5 participation points will be earned by participating in the Final Exam Review.

To earn your 5 points, you must download and complete the Review File on Blendspace: Final Exam Review  , and participate in the group review discussion.

See the Final Exam Schedule on the front cabinet for this week's schedule.

Wednesday, December 10, 2014

Department Goals and Grades

It's Crunch Time, people.  Your Department must complete Pre-Production Planning this week, and submit your results for a 20-point grade.  See below for details.

  • Art Department:  COMPLETE Set Designs for each location with full details, Wardrobe for Principal Talent and extras (including Sizes), Makeup & Hair Designs for Principal Talent, Props List.  This should be submitted as a completed Design Packet and Shopping List  broken down by category (Props, Wardrobe, Makeup, etc.).
  • Producer/1st AD: COMPLETE Script Breakdown from Celtx, printed and submitted along with Shooting Calendar for January/February.  Contact List for Talent. Location photos and contact information for Locations.
  • Script Super/Editor: Notes from Blendspace, including practice Shooting Log & scene selection.
  • Camera Dept.: Complete Storyboard, printed and submitted, along with a COMPLETE Camera Design for each Location.
  • Gaffer:  Complete Lighting Setup exercise and be evaluated (by me), and COMPLETE Electric Design (work with Camera Dept. to complete).
  • Grip Dept.: COMPLETE Lighting Setup exercises and be evaluated (by me).  Sign off on Camera & Electric Designs.
  • Talent: You should be "Off-Script"; Final Rehearsal evaluated by Director.
  • Director:  Sign off on ALL Departments, and evaluate Talent's Final Rehearsal.  Report to me.
  • Sound: COMPLETE Sound Design Notebook, print, and check against Camera Dept.'s Camera Designs.  Revise if necessary, then submit to me.
We MUST get this done by the end of the week.  Next Monday we review for Final Exams, then Finals begin on Tuesday.

Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Daily Pre-Production Grades

Beginning today (Tue. 12/9), you will attempt to earn 5 points per day for participation in Pre-Production Planning and Training.  Check the Blendspace Departmental Pre-Production lesson for your Department to ensure that you are on task.

See the BLUE Grading Rubric Posters around the room for details on how you'll be graded.  To summarize, you must be motivated, focused and on-task.  Finished early?  Visit another department and learn some of their duties and responsibilities.

Tuesday, December 2, 2014

Departmental Pre-Production: It just got real.

You will work with your Department on this phase of Pre-Production.  This is where some of the most important work happens, so take it seriously!  Preparation and planning are 85% of a Film's success!

Go to the Blendspace Lesson:  Departmental Pre-Production  and follow the directions.

Sunday, November 30, 2014

Pre-Production: The Script Breakdown

Now that we have a Shooting Script (yay!), it's time to learn how to Break Down A Script.  This actually separates all of the elements needed by each department in order to successfully plan for a shoot.
We'll revisit our "Pre-Production" Lesson on Blendspace and start with Item 4 (pd. 2) or Item 5 (pd. 3).  Watch the one-minute Breakdown Overview Video (Link on Item 6). Then, working with a partner, complete the Script Breakdown & Breakdown Sheet (Items 7 & 8).  These will be turned in for 10 points.

Go to the lesson now: Pre-Production on Blendspace

Monday, November 24, 2014

Watch your JOB!

Because I luuuuuuuv you, I found you the bestest YouTube Channel:  The Crew!

Click on the link, find your department, watch as REAL PROFESSIONALS from Film & TV show and explain what you'll be doing on set!!

The Crew YouTube Channel

Wednesday, November 19, 2014

Pre-Production: Learning your Role(s) and Responsibilities

Screenwriting Team:  Choose a workspace in the fourth row of the room to start writing your script.  Copy the original script file to an external drive and download to all four computers.  Work collaboratively, but quietly.  You have until Tuesday to complete the 3-page script.  Here's a little something to get you started:  12 essential screenwriting tips

All other DFP2:  Use the Blendspace link to go to the Pre-Production lesson: Click Here
Download the Power Point and Word files to complete Part 1 of your assignment.  Use the research links in Item 3 to complete Part 2 of your assignment.

Due at end of class, worth 20 points.

DFP3: Continue working on Client-Based Commercial; due Tuesday 11/25 as a Quick Time file.

Wednesday, November 12, 2014

Completing Character Development and the 1-page Script

At the end of class today, you must submit the following:
  • A printed copy of your completed Character Development page (Item #3 on the blendspace lesson).  (You don't need to answer the questions on the second page; just Page 1 about your Characters)
  • A printed copy of your 1-page script.  Write your names, Class pd. and Date at the top.
Remember, the blendspace page has directions, resources, the Celtx video tutorial, and the file you need for Character Development.

Work with your partner (groups of two only) to complete the assignments.

DFP3:  Please complete this survey from the State Public Education Department about your experience in Career and Technical Education classes (like Film):
CTE Survey 
The State has mandated this, and only gave us 3 days' notice.  Help me stay out of trouble!

Monday, November 10, 2014

Scripting the Story

Today we'll choose our story and take a look at how scripts are created.  After voting, we'll look at Sample Scripts, and open up Celtx, our scriptwriting software.  You'll work in teams of two to create a 1-page script that starts our story.

  1.  Go to my Socrative page at and join my Room: 

    38a82488  (copy and paste room code)

     Vote for your favorite Pitch; the winner is the film we'll make!
  2. Pick up a sample script (blue) and a decoded script (white) from the front of the room.
  3. Watch the "Beautiful Rose" sample and decode the blue script. 
  4. Choose a partner for this week's activity (writing 1 page of script for our story).
  5. Use Spotlight to find "Celtx" and open it.
  6. Together, we'll create a new script page, and you'll start creating your script!
  7.  You'll find all the resources you need on our page at blendspace

Thursday, November 6, 2014

Film Biz Stuff

HEY!  Here are a couple of great opportunities, if you're interested:

Screenwriting Competition

Crew Call

Deadlines for both are SOON!  Let me know if you have questions.

Wednesday, November 5, 2014


Color-coded groups will work together to create the following:

2 "Pitches", about 4 sentences long, that include:

Main character and story arc (Beginning, Middle, End) with a clear resolution.
Key plot points and setting (time, location).
Main character's "problem" or motivation.

These two pitches must be submitted in writing, and pitched to the class, starting at 10:15.

Adhere to these guidelines:
  1.  Must be based on a "Drama" Genre theme & incorporate Dramatic elements.
  2. Nobody dies, gets stabbed/shot/mutilated etc.
  3. Must be based in a previous time period, all the way up to the 1980's.
  4. Maximum of 3 Locations.
  5.  The main conflict/plot point must be resolved in a 2- to 3-page script (5-minute film).

Monday, November 3, 2014


Before we begin to create the story outline for our short Dramatic film, we must first understand what makes a film....dramatic

Open your blank Cornell Notes file, and your Film Genres .pdf file, and visit the Blendspace page to complete your 30-minute Team Activity:

Blendspace Drama

Share your notes with your teammates to complete the assignment.  Individual tasks are color-coded.  You may work in a team of 2 or 3 people.
You will turn in your individual, completed Cornell Notes for a grade before we proceed with brainstorming.

Wednesday, October 29, 2014

Getting Ready for our Short Film: 5 Phases and Prod Hierarchy

Before we jump into our large group Short Film Project, we'll examine some foundation practices and workflow models straight outta the Film Industry. 
The next 2 weeks of our lives together will look like this:
  1. The Five Phases of Production.  You'll sketch out the model for 5 Phases and add in information as DFP3 is presenting to you.  I'll point out key concepts and vocabulary that you'll need to add.  This completed document will be submitted for a 10-point grade.
  2. Production Hierarchy. We'll review what was covered in DFP1, looking at in-depth examples of key crew jobs.  The completed Production Hierarchy will be submitted for a 15-point grade.
  3. Example Films. We'll look at a couple of example student films, and ask DFP3 to discuss their experience as part of last year's DFP2 crew.
  4. Development. The first of the 5 Phases of Production.  We will come up with the Idea and Story Outline for our Short Film.
  5. Pre-Production. We will begin this Phase of Production with Job Applications and Auditions.   

Monday, October 27, 2014

Are You Ready to YouTube?

Follow these steps to make sure your "How To" Video is ready to upload to YouTube halfway through class today:
  1. "Peer Proof" it:  Have someone from across the room--not your elbow partner---watch and critique your video in Premiere, so that you can make "on-the-spot" fixes.  They might find errors that you just can't see because you're too familiar with the content; listen to their suggestions!
  2. Watch the "Exporting to Quick Time" Tutorial on
  3. Follow the steps for Exporting to Quick Time  (Save---Render---Export---Media).  Make sure you name the video HowToWhateverYourTaskIsYourName, and save it to your Desktop.  Here's an example:

Halfway through class, I'll demo uploading to our YouTube Channel!

Your video is due today; I will grade it from the YouTube Channel.  Here's how you will be graded:

Your Video is worth 110 Points, your biggest grade of the 6-week term!

Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Assignment: Applying Transitions in Premiere Pro

Today, you'll complete a short EdPuzzle tutorial worth 3 points, that will teach you how to apply and edit Transitions in your movie.

Then, you will apply at least 1 transition between two clips.  The transition is worth 3 points:
  • Transition style and length should be appropriate to the clips (i.e. NOT DISTRACTING)
  • Transition should be applied between clips and edited correctly.
  • Transition should move between two clips in your sequence.

I found this Tutorial online for those of you who want to learn how to do the trendy "Flash"-style transition.  There are no words, but you can follow along with what the person is doing:
Creating a "Flash" Transition in Premiere Pro

Monday, October 20, 2014

Titles and Credits (and Extra Credit!)

Hiya!  We're nearly done editing your "How To" video, but need to add Titles.
  1. Watch the "Adding Titles" video in and complete the Quiz ?s embedded in the video for 8 points.
  2. Add an Opening Title ("How To....whatever your video is about" and "by Your Name") and a Closing Credits Title (Who did what job).  5 points total.
  3. If you want Extra Credit, see the front board.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Audio and Color/Exposure Corrections

DFP2, You'll use the long day today to accomplish the following:
  • Level your Audio to reduce variations to a tolerance of Equal To or Less Than 4 Decibels. (5 pts)
  • Correct White Balance (Color Correction) and Exposure based on the Tutorial/Demo halfway through class (5 pts)
I'll grade both of these assignments by reviewing your footage.

Monday, October 13, 2014

"C" is for "Cropping" and "Catching Up"

Use today's short class to do the following:
  • Watch the new "Cropping a Clip" Tutorial on EdPuzzle, and answer the 4 graded questions embedded in the video; this is for a grade.
  • Complete any Tutorials that you have not yet finished; each one counts for a grade!  I will be locking results after class today.
  • Apply the Crop Tool to at least 1 clip in your project, and Scale/Resize it to remove any black areas.  I will check this off for a 2-point grade.

Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Basic Audio Editing in Premiere Pro

Watch the new Edpuzzle assignment ( and complete the 5-point quiz.  Use the tips and tricks to edit audio in your Project.

Monday, October 6, 2014

Ripple Edit Tool in Premiere Pro

Go to to complete today's tutorial on using the Ripple Tool.  Once complete, continue editing your Project in Premiere.

Monday, September 29, 2014

Creating a Project in Adobe Premiere Pro


  1. After watching and completing the "Intro to Adobe Premiere Pro" Tutorial, use Spotlight to locate Adobe Premiere Pro in your Applications folder.  Open it.
  2. Don't click on ANYTHING!  Instead, in a new browser window, open the "Adobe Premiere Pro CS6 Basic Editing Introduction" Tutorial in EdPuzzle:

  3. Watch the video, and pause after each step.  Complete that step with your own project.  This video walks you through creating a new project.  BE CAREFUL where you save the project (Desktop) and that you choose AVCHD as your Codec type.

Thursday, September 25, 2014

Get Ready to Edit your "How To" Video!

Follow these steps to successfully prepare to edit your "How-To" Video in Adobe Premiere Pro!

  1. Get your SD Card out of the box in the cabinet.
  2. Insert your SD Card into the SD Card slot on the right side of the computer.
  3. Create a New Folder on your Desktop (Command + Shift + N) and call it HowToFootage
  4. Double-click to open your SD Card in a new Finder window.
  5. Look for the "Private" folder.  Open it.
  6. Find the AVCHD file inside the folder.  Drag it into your new HowToFootage folder.
  7. Safely eject the SD Card from the Desktop before pulling it out of the computer.  Put the card back in the box in the cabinet.

Once you've done this, log into our EdPuzzle class ( and watch the tutorial called "Getting Started with Adobe Premiere Pro."  Make sure you use headphones.

Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Completing Comedy Studies, Finish Shooting

Today we'll try to complete our studies of the Comedy Genre.

Use the EdPuzzle Link to sign up for your class.  Class codes are on the right side of this page.


In your Comedy Notes, complete Activity #7 on your Blendspace Page.  Question and Answers should be written in Cornell Notes file!

Don't forget, your Raw Footage for the "How To" Video is due on Friday for 20 points.

Friday, September 19, 2014

Genre Studies on Blendspace

We'll be using Blendspace for our Genre Studies this year.  It's a cool tool that lets me organize all of your lesson materials and resources online, so you can access them anytime, anywhere!  It includes downloadable files, pictures, video links, quizzes and instructions.  In a word:  AMAZING!

Click on the link below to go to my class, and enter the class code (ylzx):

Blendspace Link

Wednesday, September 17, 2014

Cornell Notes for Genres

We'll be using the Cornell Notes format to take notes on Film Genres.
We start with COMEDY!

Download the CNblankpaper file from my locker:
Ms. T's webpage

Tuesday, September 16, 2014

Creating a Storyboard in Celtx

After you shoot your key frames, and import them into iPhoto, open your Celtx file and create your storyboard!

Thursday, September 11, 2014

Technique Review: Becoming a Better Filmmaker

Grab a Camera, Tripod, Mic, XLR Cable, Headphones and a Partner!  It's time to improve your Technical Skills---the most important step toward becoming a better filmmaker!!!

Camera Stability & Exposure:
  • Review the mounting procedure for the Quick Release Platform.  Mount the camera on the Tripod.
  • Review use of Pan and Tilt lock nuts.  Show Ms. T that you know how to "lock down" the camera to keep it absolutely still.
  • Use the Joystick to modify Exposure on the camera to brighten and darken the scene.  Record a "Dark" scene and a "Bright" scene.

Audio Leveling:
  • Plug in a mic with headphones.  Bring up the Mic Level menu with your joystick.  Raise and lower audio levels until you're consistently hitting the "Sweet Spot".  Record a sample clip and review for audio quality.

  • Review the Rule of Thirds:  Rule of Thirds Video
  • Compose and record at least 4 shots of the same subject (preferably, you or your partner) using the Rule of Thirds.   Subject can be ANYWHERE EXCEPT DEAD CENTER!!!!

Wednesday, September 10, 2014

Begin Planning for "How-To" Video

Soooo, you were supposed to make up your mind about your "How To" topic by today.  Tell me your topic, then it's time to do some more research.
  • Watch several example videos on YouTube that match your "How To" category.  This will give you ideas, and make sure you're not copying someone else's technique.
  • You must spend at least 10 minutes of class typing step-by-step directions for your process in Microsoft Word.  These directions are for your “How-To” video, and they are due today.  
  •  Number your steps!  This ensures you won’t forget a step in the script.  They must be precise and descriptive.  Do not summarize or skip a step.  I mean, jeez, if you can't explain it in writing, how are you gonna make a video that people can understand?!?! 
  • Once I have approved your directions and you have printed them, you will start creating a digital storyboard.  I'll demo how to do that in Celtx.
  •  Your storyboard is due at the end of the next block class period (A=Monday/B=Tuesday).
  •  You will need to schedule shooting for your "How To" video over the course of the next week, either during or outside of class.  You may check out equipment and props from me as needed.  Do Not shoot footage on your cell phone.  It will suck.
  • Raw footage for your "How To" video is due Mon. 9/22 (Pd. 3) or Tues. 9/23 (Pd. 4) for 20 points.  Late footage = 0 points.

Monday, September 8, 2014

Getting started with the "How-To" Video Project

There should be a video teaching you how to create a "How-To" video....

Click this link:

How To Make A "How To" Video

Thanks, Matt!  (Next time turn on a light, bro!)

Now, it's your turn!  Need some inspiration?  Visit my You Tube channel:
Ms. T's "How-To" Collection

Here are a few more of my favorite examples (not made by my students):
How to Make A Hamburger
How To Climb A Tree 
How To Dress Like A Ninja 
How to Straighten Your Hair Without Heat 
How to Win in Halo 3
How to Kick A Soccer Ball

Yeah, so you're surfing YouTube as part of this assignment.  Stay on task, and don't try to convince me that shmoney dance video is somehow related to your topic.  You can call your mom and explain it to her  

Friday, September 5, 2014

Up Next: HOW TO!

You will create an individual "How To" Video that demonstrates how to complete a task or process.  To get started, view some examples from previous DFP2 Students on our YouTube Channel:

How To...

Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Due Date for DFP2 Video Postcard Extended for Dual Credit

DFP2: Tuesday 9/2 (2nd pd) and Wednesday 9/3 (3rd pd), we need to spend class time helping all Dual Credit students complete the Mandatory Online Orientation for CNM, and then enroll you in the class.  The CRN # for the class is 79342.

Anyone who is not enrolling for Dual Credit must spend their class time editing their Postcard.  The Quick Time file is due on Thursday 9/4 (2nd pd) or Friday 9/5 (3rd pd) at the end of class.

DFP3:  Build your Adobe Premiere file.  Remember to choose "AVCHD" and root your folder to the Desktop.  If you can't remember how to do that, ask me.  That file must be created today.  If you are not importing and editing, you should be building your Audio files.  Original music can be composed in Garage Band; use headphones.  Borrow the handheld recorder for any voice narration.  You have one week to complete shooting and submit Raw Footage for a 10-point grade, and then a week after that to edit the final project.

Sunday, August 24, 2014

DFP2: Time Capsule Video Postcard

Your first recording assignment is short and fun.  You must create a 1- to 2-minute "Video Postcard" to your future self.  After submission, your video will be locked away for 7 whole months while you continue to learn amazing things in this class.  You'll have the chance to view the video again near the end of the school year.'s what you need to do:

Using a camera, tripod and microphone, record a message to yourself about what you hope you have learned and accomplished by the time you're viewing the Postcard in May of 2015.  Include at least two skills you'd like to develop, what you hope you have created and accomplished, and any other relevant information.

And here's what I'll be looking for as I watch and grade your Postcard:
  • Stable, high-quality camera work:  20 points.  Use of a tripod is evident.  Exposure and white balance are appropriate for the scene, and the subject is well lit and easy to see.  
  • Proper use of audio equipment: 20 points.  Create a narrative that is easy to hear (not too soft, not too loud), with minimal background noise.
  • Professional presentation of information: 10 points.  Highlights your ability to communicate ideas clearly.  No rambling "uhhhh....i dunno...sooo...uhh, yeah, I guess that's it."-style of unfocused speech.  Rehearsal and preparation should be obvious.
  • Creativity: 10 points.  Use of Rule of Thirds and composition theory is evident.  Shots should be planned out, and demonstrate creative use of the camera and subject.  DO NOT create one long, static MS with subject in the center!  Have Fun, and create something interesting (and school-appropriate) to watch and listen to.
  • Editing: 10 points.  All "extra" material has been trimmed from clips to create a tightly structured Postcard statement.  No awkward Jump Cuts or cut-off statements.  Bonus Points for intercutting different camera angles and shot types!!
  • Titling: 5 points.  Create a 5-second title over black at the beginning of the Postcard with your Name, Class Period, and the Date clearly legible.  Spell-check your work.

Your Video Postcard is due as a Quick-Time file on my External Hard Drive on Tuesday Sept. 2nd (Pd. 2) or Wednesday Sept. 3rd (Pd. 3).  You may record at home or during class time.

Tuesday, August 19, 2014

DFP3: "The I/Eye" Portrait

Okay, this project is designed to be a challenge, and make you flex some Artistic muscle.  The following examples are intended to break you out of the "narrative" mold and examine experimental filmmaking techniques.  You're encouraged to adopt styles and ideas, but don't just imitate what you see.

Check out this awesome resource on Vimeo for a similar topic:
The Long Portrait
I love the examples on this page!

Check out the use of time lapse, jump cuts, soundscaping and layering on this one---lots of "eye"-like imagery!   Compressed02

Here's a quick, simple visualization for using Green Screen compositing to duplicate layers of yourself!  green screen compositing

Get fancy with green-screened layers that play with perspective!  big finger

Why not add some time-lapse in the background?  ants go marching on...

Check out how the narration is independent of the imagery in this one.  Very moody and artsy Self Portrait! 64 Days

Okay, okay, this is technically a short love story, but it's so....French!  And kinda Wes Anderson-y.  Meaning artsy-fartsy and also funny and also really odd and thoroughly enjoyable.  Watch it for the style of the piece!  Foolishly Seeking True Love

Or, if you're shy, show yourself through your surroundings, your day, your objects, your habits:
1000 Photos  (Notice how it follows a timeline, from start of the day---morning---until end of the day.)

Still feeling "French" about the whole thing?  Check out scenes from a landmark 1959 French New Wave film, "Breathless" by Jean-Luc Godard.  It's either a series of genius mini-portraits, or the silliest Beginning French lesson you'll ever take.  Either way, study the excellent shot composition and aggressive use of jump cuts:  "Breathless" Trailer



Thursday, August 14, 2014

Welcome Back!

Welcome to a new school year, and to YOUR BLOG!  This is our Daily Communication Platform, used for:
  • Assignments, Tutorials, Resources, Examples and Links
  • Reminders & Deadlines
  • Alerts about auditions, casting calls, crew calls, etc. for local productions
  • School-wide announcements

Bookmark this page (Command + D on your keyboard) for easy access!

Click here to download your Fall 2014 Syllabus:    Ms. T's Webpage 


Tuesday, May 13, 2014

Portfolio Due Today

Period 4 Portfolios must be submitted on Thursday, May 15th.

Period 3 Portfolios must be submitted on Friday, May 16th.

Follow directions on the Portfolio Guide (downloaded) to make sure you don't lose points. 

Make sure you put your Portfolio Folder in the correct Folder on the Hard Drive:

Finally, we have to vote on which "version" of your movie to send in to this year's Film Festival.  All release forms must be signed and returned, and accompany the submission.

Friday, May 9, 2014

Friday, May 9th

This is your theme song today!!!!  Clock is ticking....

I've Got a Ways To Go....

Monday, May 5, 2014

Week of May 5th

Check the Calendar to make sure you're prepared to shoot on your scheduled day.  There are NO make-up days after shooting concludes.

All Final Portfolios, including the edited Introduction and all required elements in your Final Portfolio Folder, are due on Friday, May 16th.  Remember, the Portfolio is worth 2/3 of your Final Exam.  You will not pass the Final Exam portion of the course without your Final Portfolio.

Any Day that you are not shooting/editing, complete the following:
  • Record a short message (30 seconds) to next year's Film 2 class telling them what they need to do to succeed in the class.  Upload this to our shared folder on Dropbox.  (5 points) You can use the built-in camera, photo booth/iMovie for this.  Keep it professional and class-appropriate.  Due by May 15th.
  • Review all requirements listed on the Portfolio Guidelines Document, to make sure you're not missing any steps.
  • Assemble all of your required Portfolio elements into a Desktop Folder labeled "FP(yourname)".
  • Erase all other files, photos, music, etc. from your Desktop.

Thursday, May 1, 2014

Completing Your Intro Script

In order for your Script to receive final approval for shooting, it MUST contain the following:
  • At least 1 Location (in Scene Heading)
  • List of all Shot Types for each segment of Dialogue
  • At least 3 uniquely different shot types (don't repeat)
  • Correct formatting for all elements (Scene Heading, Action, Shot Type, Character, Dialogue)
  • Correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.
Your script will be returned to you for revisions until you have all of the above completed.

Name your Script like this: firstnamelastname

Print your Script before you leave.

Monday, April 28, 2014

Starting your Final Portfolio

Download the instructions below, and open them on your Desktop.  Start by completing PART A today.  You should use Word or Celtx to type your responses, and save the file to your Desktop.

(Seniors, you've already begun this process; Scripts should be finished. Start collecting projects.)

Want to see examples of Portfolios from Previous Students??
They're on a Playlist on my YouTube Channel!

Exporting your movie to a QuickTime (.mov) file

Today I'll demonstrate how to export your finished movie to a QuickTime file (.mov), our portable format for movies.  A completed QuickTime on your Desktop is worth 5 points.

  1. First, Save and then RENDER your Sequence (In-Class Demo).
  2. Watch the Exporting to Quick Time Tutorial on
  3. Export your Quick Time and submit for 5 points.

Thursday, April 24, 2014

Extra Credit for Extra Special Work

You have the opportunity to earn up to 10 points of Extra Credit by adding the following to your edited project.  Below each option is a direct link to a tutorial on how to do it.  I'll check your work on Monday.  Next week, you can "spend" your Extra Credit points wherever you'd like in this 6-week grading period.

Add Video Effects  (up to 3 Effects): 3 Points
I like the first 3 minutes of this Tutorial:  Applying Video Effects in Premiere

Add Transitions (up to 4 total in the Project):  4 Points
Learn Video Transitions (Dissolve, Cross-Fade, Wipe, etc.) in 90 seconds!  There's also a section on Audio Transitions too!   Applying Basic Transitions in Premiere 

Add Sound Effects  (up to 3 Effects): 3 Points
CRASH! BOOM! BANG!  CRUNCH CRUNCH CRUNCH!! Every movie is better with the selective application of appropriate Sound Effects and Music Soundtracks.  Visit a few of my favorite sites to download free sound effects, or Google your own---but make sure to put the web address in your credits!  Don't let the sound overwhelm your dialogue---make appropriate audio adjustments.
(Note--you may have to create a free username and password to access some of these.)

Sound Effects:

Music for Soundtracks:

Pd 4 Peer Critique Thursday April 24th

Before we proceed any further, we're going to look critically at one another's work and give feedback.  We'll take 20 minutes to do this.  Leave this blog post visible on your Desktop so that your Critic can follow the directions below.

When you have completed the critique, turn it in to me.  I will read it, grade it, and then give it to the student.

This is an 8-point written assignment, and is mandatory.

  1.  Get a blank sheet of paper, a pen/pencil and a set of headphones.
  2. Choose a peer's work to critique.  Sit at their computer.
  3. You will view their edited film and answer the questions below, in writing.
DO NOT make changes to their project, their Desktop or work environment.  Any changes, deletions, additions to a peer's work or modifications to their workstation will result in a failing grade for the project and a written referral.  Respect the sanctity of others' work.

Peer Critique---Set up your Paper to look like this:

Your Name:

Name of Peer Editor (person whose work you are viewing)

  1.   Describe the project that they have built:  How well does the story "flow" visually? (In other words, how well do pictures tell the story?)  Explain your response.  (3 sentences)
  2.  Describe a point in the project where either the Video or Audio needs some work.  How would you suggest they improve this point? (2 sentences)
  3. Describe an element of their edit that you really like---a special effect, foley, edited sequence, etc.---and explain why you like it.  (2 sentences)
  4.  Explain whether or not you like their version of the movie, and why.  Give specific, constructive examples---nothing mean or malicious. (3 sentences)

Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Period 3 credits

Period 3 Cast and Crew

Justin                          Ray Saiz
Chris                           Andrew Sisneros
Marissa                       Erika Sanchez
Jock #1                       Angel Escobar
Jock #2                       Chris Garcia

Party Girls
Miriam Ayala
Destiny Duran
Crystal Lechuga

Shanif Jiwa
Estevan Martinez


Producer                    D. Thomas
Director                      Asha Vizcaino
1st AD                          Edwin Astorga
2nd AD                         Andrew Martinez
Script Supervisor      Cody Lamberth
DP                               Reyes Sandoval
Camera 2                   Cesar Segovia-Rios
Sound                         Tony Martinez
Key Grip                     Deven Peace
Grip                             Carlos Rodriguez
Gaffer                         Chris Garcia
Art Dept. Head           Erika Sanchez
Wardrobe                  Stephanie Sapien
Hair/Makeup             Priscilla Savedra, Miriam Ayala
Props                          Alexis Aguilar

Tuesday, April 22, 2014

Period 4 Credits

Period 4 Credits


Angelo Grossetete                 Mitch
Andrew Sanchez                   Nick
Max Baeza-Torres                 FBI Agent

Producer/Locations              Noah Sanchez
Director                                  Noe Delgado
1st AD                                      Dakota Meza
Script Supervisor                    Dominic Homan
DP                                           Aaron Lucero
2nd Camera                             Jonathan Quiroz
Gaffer                                   Andrew Aragon
Sound/Editing                       Alfred Zaragoza
Sound Assist                         Andrew Sanchez
Key Grip                                 Joseph Rangel
Grip                                         Cody Green
Grip                                         Max Baeza-Torres
Scene Clapper                        Angel Nieto
Art Dept. Head                       Fabiola Leon
Props                                      Corina Sias    
Wardrobe                              Julissa Grajeda
Makeup                                  Jasmine Garcia
Makeup                                  Justin Pena

Adding Titles and Credits to your project

Your last great act as you finish editing your movie is to add a Title and Rolling Credits to your film to really "polish" it up.
You must create, for a 10-point grade:
  • A Title at the start of your film, over black or over the first clip.
  • Rolling Credits at the end of the film that include Cast and Crew.  Don't remember who did what?  Check the Production Binder! 
  • Grammar, spelling and punctuation count for 4 of the 10 points.  Professional appearance is important!
I'll grade these at the end of class.

Using headphones, with your Premiere Project open in the background, watch this tutorial as many times as necessary to create a Title at the start of your film, and Rolling Credits at the end of your film:

Creating Titles and Credits in Premiere Pro CS6

Thursday, April 10, 2014

17-point Grade: Edited Project

By the end of class on Friday, you must complete the following and have me "check off" your work, for a total of 17 points:
  • A complete Sequence with all scenes, including a minimum of 3 "B" roll shots on Video 2 (7 points)
  • At least one Cropped scene (3 points)
  • Level Audio throughout the project (within 3 dB of -12), with at least one use of the "pinning/ducking" feature  (7 points)

The clock is ticking!   It's the Final Countdown!!!
The Final Countdown

Wednesday, April 9, 2014

Opportunity for Makeup Artist

If you're interested in becoming a Makeup Artist for Film, TV and Theater, and wish to build your portfolio, check out this opportunity sent to me via email:

Hi Diane,
I am a former teacher at AHA (now I'm at West Mesa). I attend Calvary Southwest Church at Bridge and Goff and we are having a Good Friday Play about the Passion of Christ. Would any student makeup artists be interested in helping us with specialty makeup, such as laceration, bruises, etc? They could photograph it for their portfolios, plus I'm sure we could treat them to pizza, burgers, etc.
We are having two shows on Friday the 18th, at 5:30 and 8:30. The students would probably have to stay all evening, because we would need to apply and re-apply the Jesus makeup. It would also be great if they would be available for a dress rehearsal.
As I said, the church is at Bridge and Goff, so isn't that far away from AHA.
Please let me know!
Kim Clarke
If you're interested in this opportunity, let me know asap. 

Monday, April 7, 2014

Week of April 7th

Make sure you have already completed the following:

  • Check to make sure you have all footage in A and B Bins (see screen shots on the blog).
  • Build your Sequence on Video Channel 1, scene by scene, on the Timeline using only "A" Roll footage.
  • Learn how to use the "Crop" and "Fit" features in Premiere.
  • Learn how to add video to Video Channels 2 and 3 using "B" Roll clips.
This week, we will cover:
  • Learn how to "Unlink" Video and Audio, and delete audio tracks.
  • Execute Audio Adjustments (watch the tutorial on )
  • Fine tune your edited "rough cut" with Foley, ADR and SFX.

Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Week of April 1st

This week we are accomplishing the following in Adobe Premiere:

  • Check to make sure you have all footage in A and B Bins (see screen shots on the blog).
  • Build your Sequence on Video Channel 1, scene by scene, on the Timeline using only "A" Roll footage.
  • Learn how to use the "Crop" and "Fit" features in Premiere.
  • Learn how to add video to Video Channels 2 and 3 using "B" Roll clips.
  • Learn how to "Unlink" Video and Audio, and delete audio tracks.
  • Execute Audio Adjustments (watch the tutorial on )
  • Fine tune your edited "rough cut".

Next week we'll tackle ADR and Foley, and SFX.

Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Monday, March 31, 2014

Thursday, March 27, 2014

Vote for Teacher of the Month!

Click on this link to vote by April 12th:

Monday, March 24, 2014

Monday, March 24th---Tuesday, March 25th

Today we'll finish importing all of your "Good" takes into "A Roll" and "B Roll" Bins in your Premiere Project.

Monday, March 17, 2014

Monday, March 17th

Top O' The Mornin' To Ya!

Today, Art Department will go to the Studio to inventory, clean and pack everything we checked out from the Prop House.  Don't forget to get those Jag Absences signed!

Everyone else will complete importing for "good" takes for A and B Roll footage.

Friday, March 14, 2014

Fri. March 14th

HAPPY PI DAY!  Hope your day is 3.14 times better than yesterday!
Lose Yourself in the Digits 
Pi Day! 
The Pi Song 

Today we'll organize all of your "good" clips into A & B Roll Bins in Premiere.

Don't forget, next week is SBA testing and Parent Conferences.  Check with me for SBA Room assignments.

DID YOU ATTEND THE CTE OPEN HOUSE ON FEB. 28th?  Please complete this short survey:

Tuesday, March 11, 2014

Thursday, March 13th

1st:  College Prep Presentation (10 minutes)

Then (for those who are done with EdPuzzle):  Wrap Party! 

Congratulations!  Your team has completed the "Production" Phase (Phase 3) of filmmaking.  Before we move deeply into Post-Production (Phase 4), we'll take time out to celebrate your hard work and reflect on what you learned.

In order to join our "Wrap" party, you'll need a "Ticket".  Your "Ticket" is a written reflection that answers the questions below.  Your "Ticket" also counts for a 5-point grade.

  1. Create a new Document in Word.
  2. Read the questions below.
  3. Number your answers to the questions.  (You do not need to re-type the questions.)
  4. Your answers must be in complete sentences or I won't accept your "Ticket".
  5. Print your Written Reflection (your "Ticket" to the party) and hand in to me.  Be sure your name and Period # are on the top of your page.

Reflection Questions:
  1. How was this learning experience different from the way you learn in other classes?
  2. What was the most challenging thing you encountered during Production?
  3. What could you have done better, or differently, during Production?
  4. What could the team or class have done better, or differently, during Production?
  5. Describe what you are most proud of about our Production.
  6. Pretend you're talking to a DFP1 student.  What advice would you give them to prepare them for Production in DFP2?

Be sure to check spelling and grammar, and that you are using complete sentences, before printing.

Monday, March 10, 2014

Monday, March 10th

Last day of shooting for 3rd pd.

Wednesday, March 5, 2014

Friday, March 7th: Complete ALL EdPuzzle Assignments by End of Class Today.

Today is the last day to complete all of your EdPuzzle assignments; there are 5 Videos with embedded questions, all of them about editing.

This assignment counts for a grade.

DO NOT include the "Tutorial 1:  Adobe Premiere Pro" video in your work today.  That's the one on the bottom right corner of the screen.

After today, I am removing the videos from the Class Assignment site, and they will not be available to you.

Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Thursday, March 6th: The First Cut is the Deepest

Hey, 4th Period!  Miss Ya!  I hope you're excited about beginning to edit together a scene from your film.  After we get a little more experience, I'll put together a team to edit the complete movie.
Check the signup list at the right for Tuesday's "Wrap" Party.  You can drop stuff off first thing in the morning on Monday or Tuesday if you want.

Until then.....

Well, not really.  Actually, your mission today is very possible.  YOU CAN DO IT!

Today, you'll continue experimenting with Adobe Premiere Pro.
For help, use the tutorials I've put on your class:
They'll show you how to import your files from that desktop folder you made, create your first sequence, and start editing your clips.

**ABSENTEES from Tuesday---Angel E., Angel N. and Andrew....we've put all this stuff on your Desktop, and your neighbor knows how to help you get started.  PLUS there are guiding videos on EdPuzzle!  So NO excuses.  You must complete these assignments too.

Accomplish these tasks today.  I'll grade your Adobe Premiere editing work after next Tuesday's party.

TASK 1:  Editing!

Remember:  SAVE your work every 5 minutes or so (Command + S on your keyboard).  Premiere does NOT auto-save like iMovie does.  If it crashes, all is lost.....(*sob*)
  1. Import clips from the "A" Roll Folder into your Media Browser.  (Confused?  WATCH THE TUTORIAL ON EDPUZZLE.COM!!)
  2. Build a sequence from 3 to 4 clips from the same scene.  Can't remember how to add clips to the Sequence Timeline?  WATCH THE TUTORIAL ON EDPUZZLE.COM!!!!
  3. Following the directions on the tutorial (yeah, the one on!!) to add "In" and "Out" points on a clip, and drag that trimmed clip onto your Sequence Timeline.  Be prepared to show me the trimmed clip as proof of your work.
  4. Use the Audio adjustment feature of Premiere to adjust the audio on one of your clips. 
  5.  That's it!  Easy-peasy!

Your Assignments in
TASK 2: Finish your EdPuzzle assignments!
(Eye Roll)  Remember, we talked about this....
You now have 6 video assignments total that must be completed by the end of class on Friday. FOR A GRADE.  If you've already done a few,'ll be fine.  If NOT....well, then panic.  And get to work.  Quit reading this blog.  No, really.  Quit it.  Get to work.  ;)   You'll have Friday to complete Task 2.

Monday, March 3, 2014

Tues. Mar. 4th

You get to be the first class to begin EDITING your footage from our Production!  CONGRATULATIONS!!  We're going to have our "Wrap" Party next Tuesday, March 11th---don't miss it!!!!

Before we get into Editing today, we'll review your performance on EdPuzzle assignments.  I'll review expectations and grading, and answer any questions you may have.  We will continue to use this tool, and assignments will count for a grade.

The first thing we must do is carefully download footage to your computer, into a FOOTAGE folder on your Desktop.  Create this folder now.  In Finder, go to "New Folder" and name it FOOTAGE.  From there, we will create TWO folders inside this one.  What do you think those folders will be for???

I have two video tutorials for you on EdPuzzle that we will view to get situated with using Adobe Premiere:

Mon. Mar. 3

Before we go into the studio today, we'll review your performance on EdPuzzle assignments.  I'll review expectations and grading, and answer any questions you may have.  We will continue to use this tool, and assignments will count for a grade.

Thursday, February 27, 2014

EdPuzzle Assignment for Friday, Feb. 28th

Okay, here we go!

Today, you'll complete your first assignment in EdPuzzle!  Hope you remember your Username and Password!

You have several videos to watch, and there are QUESTIONS embedded in the videos that you must answer.  Your answers will be graded, so take your time and answer thoughtfully.  Don't forget, you can rewind and re-watch the videos!


If you borrow headphones, be sure to put them back.


Click Here to go to

**Were you absent when we signed up for EdPuzzle?  See the post below, and ask your neighbor for help signing up!  You MUST complete this assignment.

Wednesday, February 26, 2014

Join EdPuzzle

Enter Class Code:  ejRnQB

We'll be using this a lot, especially on days that I'm gone for Apple Training.  If you missed the tutorial, ask a neighbor in your row for help.

These are online assignments that must be completed for a grade.  When you sign in, and do the work, it gets automatically submitted to me.

Call Sheet Wed. 2/25

Field Trip Friday

Those attending the Field Trip:
We'll meet at the flagpole on Friday morning after 1st period.  If you are buying lunch at CNM, bring cash.  Wear comfortable shoes; we'll be walking around a lot.
We'll return in time for you to go to 7th period.

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

Tuesday, Feb. 25th


PERIOD 4, you've done an amazing job of hanging in there, through script re-writes, absences, and various other disasters....and now, the end is in sight!

Today, we film the re-shoot of Scene 2 (Gate Scene, where the 2 Boys ditch class).  After that, it's an alien invasion.  Then, DONE!

Once Production has wrapped, we'll move into the next phase, Post-Production.  We'll be back in the classroom, learning how to use Adobe Premiere, one of the most popular professional nonlinear editing platforms in the world.  You'll be on your computer a lot, which will feel very different from the last couple of months.

Way to Go! 

Monday, February 24, 2014

Friday, February 21, 2014

Thursday, February 20, 2014

Thursday, Feb. 20th (4th Pd)

Today, we'll start shooting Scene 4 (Living Room).  We are STILL on Job Swap, so you'll be doing your temporary job.  Don't hesitate to ask for help from your Job Mentor.

  Today you'll complete a written reflection on your "Job Swap" experience.
Open a new file in Word, start with your Full Name and Period 4, and answer the following questions.
Please number your responses so that I can easily see that you have addressed all items.
Use complete sentences, and run the "Spelling and Grammar Check" before printing.
Print and turn in when finished.

  1. What job did you perform this week?  What were your duties/responsibilities?
  2. List at least one thing that you learned while performing this job, that is specific to this job, that you didn't know how to do, or understand, before this week.
  3. How did this job challenge you?
  4. If you could go back and redo this "Swap" experience, what would you do differently?
  5. What would you suggest I do differently the next time we "Swap"?  What would help you to be successful?

Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Friday, February 14, 2014

Friday, Feb. 14th

Period 3:  Today you'll complete a written reflection on your "Job Swap" experience.
Open a new file in Word, start with your Full Name and Period 3, and answer the following questions.
Please number your responses so that I can easily see that you have addressed all items.
Use complete sentences, and run the "Spelling and Grammar Check" before printing.
Print and turn in when finished.

  1. What job did you perform this week?  What were your duties/responsibilities?
  2. List at least one thing that you learned while performing this job, that is specific to this job, that you didn't know how to do, or understand, before this week.
  3. How did this job challenge you?
  4. If you could go back and redo this "Swap" experience, what would you do differently?
  5. What would you suggest I do differently the next time we "Swap"?  What would help you to be successful?

Period 4: Today is a Production day for the class.  If possible, we'll shoot Scene 2.

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Do something that means something.

Next Tuesday, I'll be stuck at an all-day teacher training.  YUCK. 
YOU, on the other hand, could show up for something really meaningful, that can help make a difference in your peers' lives.

Borrow a camera, document the event, do interviews----I'll give you extra credit that replaces any missing grades.  The usual Production Rubric would apply.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

Thursday, Feb. 13th 4th Pd.

Hiya.  So you know I'm gone today.  Mr. House has graciously agreed to come aaalllllllll the way over here from his graphics lab in C Hall to hang out with you so you don't have some weird anonymous substitute. 
Mr. House is a longtime friend and colleague and he's doing this as a personal favor to me.  Treat him with the utmost respect; I will take it very personally if things go badly.  House is an awesome guy; please treat him that way.

Besides, you get to have FUN!  You'll watch a DVD about Slapstick and Screwball Comedy!
You do have to complete the Handout today, in your own words ---no copying from your neighbors--and turn it in today.  But at least it has The 3 Stooges and Jim Carrey!