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Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Wednesday, April 4th

First things first, props to Jose Payan.  This morning, I walked in to the classroom, set my stuff down, and found a nice note on my desk with a bunch of batteries.
Last night, Jose and his DWI Project Teammates had been working late on their project in the lab while I was at a meeting.  Jose noticed that the batteries sitting in the wall charger were fully charged, so he switched them out for me.  He put the charged batteries on my desk with a note, and filled up the charger with dead batteries that needed charging.  It might not sound like a big deal to you, but I'm always scrambling to find charged batteries (for wireless mice, microphones, cameras---you name it), and it sure does make my life easier this week.

That kind of gesture---doing something nice for someone else, when no one asked & it's not expected---really can mean a lot.  It totally made my day today, and helped remind me why I value working with all of you so much.

Now, onward....

Periods 3 & 7:  One week of shooting left for StopMo.  Next Wednesday is our last day in the Black Box.  Use your time wisely, grasshopper.  If you need to do some shooting during lunchtime, make arrangements with me ahead of time & I'll let you in to the Black Box.

Period 5:  StopMo Project is due next Tuesday.  You must have:
  1.  Complete, edited image sequences that create the illusion of motion.  (10 points)
  2. 3 Layers of Audio (when appropriate) that match what your team planned out on your original script.  If you planned to put it in the project, it should be there.  No excuses.  (15 points)
  3. Title slide at the beginning, with the name of the project (5 seconds long), and FULL readable credits (at least 5 seconds long) that include: teammates' names and jobs, image credits, and music/sound credits.  Use the same citation method for sources that you used in January for your career research project. (10 points)
  4. The final project should be exported to your Desktop as a full-resolution QuickTime file. (5 pts)
Your Evaluation form:

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