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Monday, April 1, 2013

Week of April 1-5

Hi All, hope you had a nice long weekend!

First, the sad news.  YouTube is shutting down.  Check out their explanation here:

You Tube shutting down at midnight April 1, 2013 to select a winner. 

Serious about filmmaking?  Check out this amazing opportunity to connect with the film community in NM!  
From Dirk Norris, Program Mgr. at the New Mexico Film Office:
"We have a new program called the New Mexico Filmmakers Experience. It consists of monthly panel discussions on various aspects of filmmaking from the filmmaker’s point of view. 

On Sunday April 21 we will have our third panel entitled “What are the Kids Doing” and will be comprised of teenaged filmmakers. I have students coming from a couple schools and one student who is home schooled. I am looking for one more student. Do you have someone who would be interested in participating?
There will be a total of 5 panelists, talking about their experiences making film in New Mexico. Each panelist will be allowed to provide up to 5 minutes of content to show before the panel discussion begins. There will also be a Q and A portion from the audience. This event will be on Sunday April 21 from 11 am to 1 pm at the Santa Fe Center for Contemporary Arts."
Anyone interested in being on this panel?  Pretty cool opportunity to share your perspective on learning filmmaking.  Let me know if you'd like to do this ASAP!
Coming UP:  The submission deadline for the Digital Desert Youth Film Festival is next week!   Can't believe it snuck up on us already.
I really would like to at least have your Horror Films make it in to the festival, so I'm going to ask that a few folks stay behind in the lab to edit this week.
Wanna know more about the festival?  Visit:  The Digital Desert Website

We're sending off applications for The Emma Bowen Internship Program in the next couple of days.  If you're applying, please check in with me today to make sure you've got all your paperwork completed.

Periods 3 & 7:  With the exception of your Horror movie editors, we'll be shooting in the Black Box all week.  You should complete MOST, if not all, of your filming this week.

Period 5: At this point, I think everyone's done shooting, and we'll continue with editing.  Don't forget, you're being graded EVERY DAY on doing your part for editing.  I really do notice when you're focused, and when you're off-task.  Please support your team by doing your job.

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