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Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Final Exam Link

Go to and paste in this Class Code to get started: 



This is a Final Exam.  All testing rules apply.  Do NOT open other windows on your desktop during the exam.

Monday, May 11, 2015

1 Week Until Portfolio is Due

Your Final Exam Portfolio, worth 200 points (2/3 of your Final Exam Grade) is due on Monday, May 18th, which is a "C" Day.

Before you can begin shooting/editing today, you must show me your Desktop Final Portfolio Folder, which should contain all of the projects listed on the Blendspace Lesson.

**Some of you STILL have not submitted your script.  You currently have a 0 for that assignment, and must submit it for a late grade and review before you can film.

You have 2 "block" days to shoot & edit, and Friday to export/assemble your work.  Monday the 18th will be spent uploading your Portfolio.  It will take longer than you think, and I won't accept late portfolios.

You can earn a 5-point bonus by submitting your Final Portfolio early (before Noon on Friday May 15th).

Tuesday May 19th we'll shut the computers down and review for the Final Exam.

Finals Schedule:
Tue. 5/19  C+5th Final
Wed. 5/20 A Day Finals
Thurs. 5/21 B Day Finals
Fri. 5/22  Don't even think about it

Monday, May 4, 2015

DFP2: Take 2 surveys 1st

Survey 1 (Lang Arts):

Survey 2 (Math):

You'll use a unique access code for each survey.  Should take about 10 minutes.

Wednesday, April 29, 2015

April 29th & 30th

Seniors:  Log on to the Blendspace Lesson and use the Final Exam Review!

Everyone Else:  We're watching movies and making decisions.

First, we'll watch and critique your Vine Projects as a class.

THEN, we have to decide what goes into the Film Festival for next week!!
Let's start with the "How-To" Videos.  Now that you're all savvy and professional, watch these with a critical eye:
"How-To" Videos

Then, vote for your Top 3!  Here's the Poll Site:  .  Please only choose your Top 3.  Thanks.

After that, we'll start on your Final Portfolio!  Wheeeeeeeee!!!  DFP2 Final Portfolio

Thursday, April 23, 2015

Uploading your Vine Project

Export your file as an .mp4
Name your file with your name and part of the quote (i.e.: JohnSpeakSoftlyButCarryABigStick)
Upload to the Google Drive (you'll need to sign in) and place in the DFP2 Projects Folder:
Google Drive

Monday, April 13, 2015

Day 1 of 4 for Vine Project WorkDays

You only have 4 work days to complete the Vine Project.  Remember, at least 50% of your footage must be shot during class.  When you aren't shooting, you should be creating an effect in Adobe AfterEffects.  Let me know if you need a software update TODAY.

The final VINE project should be ready for submission and upload by April 30th.  That's actually only 5 class periods from now!

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Graded Assignments for The Vine Project

Today and Friday you must complete the following:

  1.  A 6-frame Storyboard with specific images and descriptions of each image (10 pts.) Write your quote at the top of the Storyboard form, next to your name.
  2. Finished early?  Start your tutorials!  (See below)
 Complete the 2 graded EdPuzzle Tutorials on Layers and Opacity in Adobe Premiere. 

From The EdPuzzle Home Page:  Log in (substitute has your username and password if you forgot).

Pd 2 Class Code: eXYnqW
Pd 3 Class Code: dwp4QM

Direct Link to Lesson 1: Multiple Video Channels in Premiere 
Direct Link to Lesson 2: Controlling Motion and Opacity in Premiere 

I will collect grades and remotely lock the tutorials on Friday afternoon.  You MUST complete them in class! 

Monday, April 6, 2015

Poetry In Motion: The Vine Project

DFP2's last project of the year involves using a famous or favorite quote, and illustrating/interpreting its meaning through a 6-second video.

Go to the Blendspace Lesson to get started:  Poetry in Motion

Friday, March 27, 2015

Film 2 Project due today: 25 points

Hi there, and happy almost-Spring-Break!  Today you'll submit an .mov or .mp4 file of your completed project, which must include (5 pts each):

  • Title
  • A smoothly edited sequence with no jump cuts or excess footage
  • A soundtrack (don't let it overpower any dialogue you may have, Pd. 2!)
  • Must include hours & location of Munch Box!
  • Must include footage from 2 teams
  • Title and credits
  • Must include Special Effect from Adobe After Effects!
  • A sountrack
  • Must not exceed 3 minutes
  • Must include Camera and Cell Phone footage
NAME your file after your team, no spaces or symbols, EXPORT to the Desktop, and then UPLOAD to my Google Drive Folder:  DFP2 Project Folder

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

Period 2 Editing

Sooooo....lots of terrific footage from yesterday's shoot!  IN FACT...we have SO MUCH good footage, we can't possibly make just 1 commercial.  Instead, we're gonna make 3!!!
That's right, you're going to join forces with another team to edit your footage together into one 30-second commercial!  3 teams of people will do this.  Each commercial will have a slightly different "flavor"  (ha ha ha) and style to it, which is what we want.  The client is thrilled with this idea, so we're going to pursue it.

Here's how this will work:
  1. Put your best edited clips on the timeline.  NOTHING more than 4 seconds long.
  2. We will rotate and view each team's footage; take notes on what you see.
  3. Talk with your teammate about which project is most compatible with yours, and why.  Declare at least 2 reasons why your footage and theirs would compliment each other in a commercial.
  4. Combinations will be decided today, and teams will combine their footage by exporting one iMovie timeline project as an .mov file and copying it to the other team's project.
  5. The combined team of 4 people will then complete the edited clips, add in a soundtrack and credits, and submit the commercial by the end of the class period on Friday.

Period 3 "Water" Project

Today, you finish editing your short project, add in the soundtrack, and cross-check all project requirements.  Don't forget a title slide and credits!
50 points possible:
You must:
    •  use a conventional VideoCamera AND CellPhone footage,  
    • have a soundtrack (copyright free--no copyrighted music)
    • apply at least 1 special effect using Adobe AfterEffects
    • not exceed 3 minutes
    • shoot, edit, and/or learn AfterEffects during class time.  No sitting around.
The .mov or .mp4 file is due on Friday.
Planning on being absent Friday?  Plan on receiving a 0 for the project.
I will review your project with you today during class as you edit.

Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Pd 2 Culinary Shoot

I am really sick and it hurts to talk.  Therefore, I need you to read this carefully.

Teams will gather equipment, test it to make sure EVERYTHING works, load their SD Card, check for ID's and Film Passes, get out your storyboard, review your plan, and then let me know when you're ready.
You will probably need an extension cord for power if your camera's dead---most of them are.

I expect that you will be your BEST professional self this morning.  Remain on-task and focused, communicate with me and your partner, SHARE the work load, and DO NOT distract Chef Young's students.  Today is a 10-point participation grade.  I will periodically check on your progress.  Shooting should take no more than 45 minutes, then we'll download and edit.

Tuesday, March 17, 2015

Project Timelines

Period 2:  Complete & Submit Storyboards & Interview Questions (15 pts total); Shooting Interviews this week (3/16-3/19).  Next Tuesday, March 24th:  Shooting in Kitchen (entire class period).  Edit Thurs/Friday.

Period 3:  Finish shooting for "Water" Project this week.  Next week, edit and submit .mov files.

Thursday, March 12, 2015

Period 2 Project Options

Good morning!  As we continue to make our merry way through the PARCC testing schedule, we'll have to remain flexible with our work, so any information may be subject to change.

Here's the good news:  We no longer have to leave the lab during 3rd period for the remainder of the first PARCC session!   YAY!

Our upcoming meeting schedule:
Today, March 12th (2 hours)
Tuesday, March 17th (45 minutes--Assembly Day)
Thursday, March 19th Regular B Day (2/4/5/6)
Week of March 23rd:  Regular Schedule (A/B/A/B/C)
Week of March 30th:  Spring Break
Week of April 6th: Regular Schedule  (A/B/A/B/C)

April 13 through 24th:  PARCC Schedule

SO....We have time for a short project between now and Spring Break!  Here are your options, both of which will be graded:

  1.  "Munch Box":  A short commercial for Culinary Arts, to be shot and edited before Spring Break, posted on our YouTube Channel, and aired on our Video Announcements.  We need about 6 people for this project.
  2. "Water":  A free-form project to be submitted for publishing on our YouTube Channel and, possibly, into film competitions.  While your project must incorporate water in some form (literally, symbolically, thematically, etc.), you do not need to follow conventional narrative rules.  Teams of 1 to 3 people (no more than 3) will work together and submit a project before Spring Break.  You must:
      •  use a conventional VideoCamera AND CellPhone footage,  
      • have a soundtrack (copyright free--no copyrighted music)
      • apply at least 1 special effect using Adobe AfterEffects
      • not exceed 3 minutes
      • shoot, edit, and/or learn AfterEffects during class time.  No sitting around.
      • review examples:  Water Sculpture , Water , Oil and Water , Lights and Water
 Students who are already spoken for (see below) may not participate in either project:
Senior Video:  Chris Garcia
Editing:  David Cox, Andrew Aragon

Today you will sign up, brainstorm as a team, orally present your idea(s) to the class at 10:45, then create a Treatment & Outline, due at the end of class for 10 points.

Monday, March 9, 2015


Congratulations!  You're DONE!  We survived two months of shooting.  Now, it's time to reflect on your learning experience.

Answer the following in an email to me at .  Make sure to NUMBER your answers.  Subject:  Reflection.  Total Value:  10 points

  1.  Looking back over the last two months of production, what do you think were the biggest challenges that YOU faced (independent of anyone else), and HOW did you meet those challenges?  (At least 3 sentences, 3 points)
  2. What were the biggest challenges we faced as a Production Crew, and HOW WELL did we meet those challenges on a scale of 1 (poor) to 5 (excellent) ?  (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)
  3. Knowing what you know now, what would you have done differently during Production?
  4. How can we improve this experience for future classes?  (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)
  5. What advice would you give next year's class when they are preparing for production? (At least 2 sentences, 2 points)

Wednesday, March 4, 2015

Call Sheet Period 3 Day 15


Friday, February 27, 2015

Job Swap Reflection

Today you'll complete a written reflection on your "Job Swap" experience for 5 points.

  • Open YOUR EMAIL ACCOUNT, and create a NEW EMAIL addressed to me at:         (copy and paste it to make sure you get it right)
  • Subject should be your Full Name and Class Period, and 
in the body of the email, you will answer the following questions.

  • Please number your responses so that I can easily see that you have addressed all items.
If you don't number them, I'm not going to give you any credit.  Learn to read directions.

  • Use complete sentences, and run the "Spelling and Grammar Check" (if your email has it) before sending.
DO NOT close your email account; Verify that I have received your email , then, close your account and log off.

Questions to answer in the email:
  1. What job did you perform this week?  What were your duties/responsibilities?
  2. List at least one thing that you learned while performing this job, that is specific to this job, that you didn't know how to do, or understand, before this week.
  3. How did this job challenge you?
  4. If you could go back and redo this "Swap" experience, what would you do differently?
  5. What would you suggest I do differently the next time we "Swap"?  What would help you to be more successful?

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Friday, February 20, 2015

Call Sheet Pd. 3

Job Swap: Training

Find the person whose JOB you are TAKING.  Describe to them what you have learned about their job---the one you will be doing next week.  Once you have done so, they will tell you something about their daily duties and responsibilities--- something unique to our production.  You will write this down on a piece of paper.
Once this process is complete, the student must SIGN OFF on your "Job Readiness" on the handout.
You have 10 minutes to complete this assignment.

How Tech has changed Film Jobs

Here's something to think about as you prep for your Job Swap.

Go to the Blendspace Lesson to complete today's second graded activity (due today):

How Film Jobs have changed

Friday, February 13, 2015

Drumroll Please.....

This week you will train with your replacement.  Next week, we shoot with new crew jobs.  This will last from Feb. 23rd through Feb. 26th.  Get ready for a humbling, eye-opening, challenging experience!

Job Swap Spring 2015

Pd. 2
UPM/Location Mgr:  Frida Velasquez
DP:  Andrew Aragon
Director:  Raymond Saiz
Prod. Designer/Set Dec: Killian Hoose
Editor/Script Supervisor: Chris Garcia
1st AD: David Cox
Camera A:  Isaac Gallegos
Camera B:  Fabiola Leon
Key Grip: Hernan Gurrola
Gaffer: Ivan Ramos
Wardrobe/Makeup:  Angel Escobar
Props/Scene Clapper:  Kevin Sandoval
Sound:  Jose Aceves

Pd 3
UPM/Location Mgr: Jada Price
DP:   Shanif Jiwa
Director:  Aaron Lucero
1st AD:  Erika Sanchez
Prod. Designer/Set Dec:  Vicente Carrillo
Script Super:  Oscar Ramirez
Editor/Dailies:  Eduardo Puentes
Camera A:  Alexis Barraza
Camera B: Ivan Carrillo
Key Grip: Evelyn Sanchez  
Grip:  David Ramirez
Gaffer/Scene Clapper:  Dalia Arce
Wardrobe:  Max Torres
Props:  Mariela Melero
Makeup/Hair:  Estevan Ramirez
Sound:   Aaron Martinez
Talent:  Asha Vizcaino, Martha Zapata