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Friday, December 10, 2010

Pd. 2 & 4 (B Day): Final Exam on Tuesday!

Don't forget, B Day film kids, that we're taking the final on Tuesday. Today's Vocab will be your study guide.

Interested in Entering this Competition? Let's talk!

Project VoiceScape Invites Young Filmmakers to Submit Films
In collaboration with PBS and Adobe Youth Voices, POV has launched Project VoiceScape as part of its efforts to mentor and encourage aspiring filmmakers. The project welcomes filmmakers in grades 7-12 to submit their film ideas, films-in-progress, or completed short films for its 2011 competition. Project VoiceScape will select 15 young filmmakers for the program and will showcase their work in PBS and POV media. Winners will be honored at a ceremony in Washington, DC. Learn how to enter at
Deadline for submissions is January 14, 2011.

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

no email?

a few of you didn't include your email on the signup for this Sunday. If you did NOT receive an email from me yesterday about the shoot, it's because you're not on the list for Brian Lucero's crew. If that's the case, you need to see me ASAP!

Monday, December 6, 2010

Assignment: Understanding Documentaries

Highlight and copy the questions, and paste into a new document in Word.

Type your answers, and print out when done.

Answer the following from Chapter 2 in Digital Filmmaking for Teens.


1. Why is a documentary often called a “slice of life”?

2. How do most people regard documentaries?

3. What do documentary moviemakers try to show? How is this different from what the audience assumes?

4. What happens if a documentary doesn’t have a unique point of view?

5. Name at least three goals of a documentary (including lecture notes).

6. Why do many documentaries use voiceovers?

7. Name two things that a narrator’s commentary can do for your documentary.

8. What should all documentaries have?

Saturday, December 4, 2010


So, guess what Special Effects wizard Geoff Martin taught me how to do on Saturday????

Just goes to'll ALWAYS learn something just by showing up to a film set, being nice and hanging around in a helpful way.

Friday, December 3, 2010

Asking good doc interview questions

Copy and paste into your URL:

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

This just in: help film a late-night TV show!

From my homie John Grace at DATA Charter School:

1: Chris Schueler asked me to follow up in creating a list of "film ready" students whom he can call upon and that he can distribute to fellow producers. Please send me the names and contact info (with permission of course) of any students whom you feel can hold their own on a professional set and I will compile a list.

2: Finally, we have another series of Steven Michael Quesada's After After Hours Party shows to shoot on December 14th if you have any students who would like to attend as audience members (and maybe be pressed into service). It's at the Wool Warehouse on 1st street from 6-10 p.m. I hope you can make it. There's some momentum building and it's exciting. Thanks for getting the ball rolling!


1: What a wicked series of opportunities!!! I've worked with Chris Schueler in the past, and trust me---if he gets your name and number, he WILL call you to work on a location shoot for one of his documentaries or TV specials. This is ONLY for the seriously motivated.

2: I'm planning on attending and helping out with this shoot; I encourage you to do so! This show airs on Channel 27 (remember, the guys from last week?), and you'll probably wind up helping to crew. MAKE A TV SHOW!!!!!!! Sign up with me THIS WEEK if interested.

Tuesday, November 30, 2010

wanna make a facebook page?

The APS Asthma Program is working with UNM to develop a Facebook page for teens about asthma and diabetes and we want YOUR help!

You will get to work with a technology expert from UNM and other students to create and manage a Facebook page.

This opportunity will not only look good on your college and job applications but you will get free food and other fun stuff!

If you are interested please contact:

RuthAnn Goradia

Community Asthma Resource Nurse

Albuquerque Public Schools

Phone: 855.9836


Monday, November 29, 2010

Starting your Documentary Project

So, this week we're meeting in large groups with Ms. Urioste and Ms. Salazar to talk about the Interdisciplinary Unit Project: "Immigration: The Story of The U.S., The Story of US". We'll cover what your responsibilities are, and how each class will support your work.

Keep in mind that you're earning separate grades in each class for your work on the project.

We'll view excerpts from a couple of documentaries this week, and talk about how they're different from narrative and 'art' films.

Also, local filmmaker Brent Morris will be here during 4th on Tuesday to film footage for his documentary on the Film Industry in New Mexico.

You oughtta be in pictures!!!...or, working on one, anyway....

Two opportunities to volunteer to work on a small film crew, right here at school!

Saturday, Dec. 4th--"Wild Justice" will be here again for a full day shoot in the courtroom. Want to shadow a crew member, or maybe work as an extra? Sign up with me NO LATER THAN THURSDAY so I can give your names to the 1st AD.

Sunday, Dec. 12th--Local producer and actor Brian Lucero (who's also a sub here at Atrisco!) will be bringing in his film crew for a half-day shoot in the Lecture Hall. Call is at 8 a.m., and you have the opportunity to work hands-on with a crew member, AND be an extra in the scenes! Sign up with me NO LATER THAN THURSDAY so I can give your names to the 1st AD.

Remember, these opportunities allow you to see how film crews REALLY work, get some experience, meet professionals and make a GREAT impression, network for your future, and even get FED!!

Monday, November 22, 2010

What are Guest Speakers worth?

We've had several guest speakers/presentations come through in the last month or so, and it's time to reflect on what we get out of these kinds of events. Think back to Cyndy McCrossen, our Location Scout; Tonya Bryant, from UNM; and Friday's presentation from Channel 27 (public access TV).

I'm going to open up the "Comments" portion of the blog; leave a comment with your full name and class period about what you learned, or what the presenters made you think about, or what questions you have now about your future.

Monday, November 15, 2010

Guest Presentation: UNM's IFDM Program

This morning we'll hear from Ms. Tonya Lashun-Bryant, and Dr. Nick Flor, from UNM. They represent the Interdisciplinary Film and Digital Media program at UNM, a 4-year degree program that encompasses above-the-line filmmaking, software programming, animation and more.

Please devote your attention to our guests, and listen to what they have to say about college; anyone caught asking an intelligent question during or after the presentation will receive 1 bonus point on their Fast Forward movie! :)

If time permits, we'll also start working with Ms. Kurland's DFP1 students on lighting, helping them to learn the basics of lighting setup, calculating loads, setting and striking lights.

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Peer Critique--5 point grade

Choose another team's/person's project to watch. Write the following review on a sheet of paper.

1. Rate the quality of the project from 1 to 5. 1 is LOW, 5 is HIGH. Give at least TWO reasons for your rating.

2. Describe the "flow" of the project. Is it easy to understand what's going on? Does it seem smooth or jumpy?

3. Does the music go with the movie? Why or why not?

4. Give one suggestion for improvement, or a specific compliment.

Monday, November 8, 2010

Prep Project for Export to Quick Time!

Your Fast Forward Project is DUE! We'll export it to Quick Time, so that we can then import it into Garage Band and match it to your soundtrack.

This week, our counselor Ms. Villegas will begin pulling 11th grade students for transcript evaluations during class. Should take about 10 minutes.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Do Not Disturb: Locally Made!

Do Not Disturb

Created by Brian Lucero (one of our Substitute Teachers, but actually a Producer and Actor!!). Mr. Lucero's going to come speak to our class soon, and is looking for extras and crew for his latest production!

Thursday, November 4, 2010

Grades are Due, and YOU are Busy!

Check SnapGrades. Panic.

Take GarageBand Re-test and do much better. Reduce panic.

Zombie Kids see me to apply extra credit to your grade.

Director's Chair presentations--make-up from last 2 weeks, plus this week.

Speeding up clips in Final Cut.

Speed up your clips in Final Cut and save. Don't forget to add Titles and Credits!

If time allows, I'll demo how to export your film from FCE to Garage Band.

Next week, we'll build a final project in GB with Video and Audio, and upload to the AHA Vimeo Channel. You'll be graded on several steps, including matching Video and Audio length, appropriateness of Film/Music match, and accurate compression settings for upload. We'll screen the finished projects as a class. Final uploaded projects are worth 100 points. See grading rubric for complete scoring info.

Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Location Scout comes to town!

Actually, Cindy McCrossen, Wednesday's presenter, is a local Albuquerquean who's been working here for many years, and is a location scout for the NM Film Industry. The Film Academy brought a total of over 275 students to the presentations, where students heard about industry jobs, necessary skills for the film and media workforce, and what's involved in a production and in location scouting/management. Our thanks to Ms. McCrossen for sharing her knowledge and expertise!

Sunday, October 31, 2010

No Tricks---Your Grade is No Treat!

Have you checked your grades?

Here's some depressing news: OVER 50% of students failed the Garage Band Post-Test.
What does this mean? One of two things, as far as I can tell:

1. People didn't take the test seriously.
2. Ms. T didn't spend enough time discussing/demonstrating the GB interface.

Perhaps it's a bit of both....Either way, I think we'd better revisit the GB interface and take this test again (everyone who scored an 8 or lower). You'll retain the highest of your two test grades. We'll do this as you edit this week. Everyone should have their interface map handy for review.

Oh, and hey---many of you never submitted your song for a grade. That's a pretty heavy Zero.

Why is all of this important??? Because it's time for your 2nd 6 week report card!!!

Friday, October 29, 2010

Dual Credit for Film 2--sign up today

So it's still possible to earn Dual Credit for Film 2 (CNM Credit for Film Workflow 1001) if you earn the minimum required score on the Accuplacer, but we need to move on this quickly.

If you took the Accuplacer in the spring, and need to retake it, or would like to take the Accuplacer for the first time, we'll need to schedule a time in early November. You must be admitted to CNM, and have a CNM ID#, to do this.

See me today to sign up.

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Fundraiser Details

Job lists are posted below; please review, and ask questions NOW if you have them.

Volunteers will leave their 5th period class at 11:45 and report to this room (E111).

We'll eat, wash up, grab supplies and go set up as quickly as possible.

At the end of the lunch period, we'll have 15 minutes to break down, clean up, return supplies, count $ and tickets, and report to 6th period.

Job List for Fundraiser

Makeup (Working in teams of two):

Ashlee Dominguez

Kevin Davila

Lawrence Gonzales

Carlos Ramirez

Serrina Rodriguez

Rosa Chairez

Tiffani Peckinpaugh

Kelly Guerra

Alejandra Lechuga

Damien Riojas

Alexis Munoz

Kristin Gallegos

Taylor Wheeler

Kate Ortiz

Freshman Table (Take $, make change, give tickets):

Jonathan Bardete

Itzel Olivas

Sanitize with Alcohol/Caps on Bottles:

Loreyna Dominguez

Refill Supplies (Sponges, Blood, Mouthwash, etc.):

Jazmine Dominguez

Take $, make change, give tickets:

Ricardo Nunez

James Lucero

Ticket Taker/Bouncer:

Brandon Arnold


Saul Pinela

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

zombie how-to

Step 1: Both artists apply white makeup to half of the face.
Step 2: One artist applies a "bruise" while the other paints black/green veins
Step 3: One artist applies "finishing touches" like crazy hair, while the other applies fake blood with an abrasion sponge and/or q-tip dipped in fake blood.

See variations on last 4 photos for ways to "change it up".

The Countdown Begins!!!! Braaaaaaiiiiiiiinnnnnsssss...

Zombie FX Promo from Diane M Thomas on Vimeo.

Monday, October 25, 2010

Zombies! It's ON!!!!!

Thanks to all who have signed up to volunteer on Friday; you'll earn extra credit for showing up and doing the job you'll be assigned.

We're going to need to practice this week while your teammates are downloading and editing footage; it's important that everyone stay ON TASK this week as we prepare.

I've got Jaguar Absence forms that you'll need to get signed ASAP by 5th and 6th period teachers so that you get an extra few minutes on Friday before and after lunch to set up, eat, and clean up afterward.

This is going to be FUN---tell your friends!

Friday, October 22, 2010


Okay, it looks like we ALMOST have enough volunteers to do the Zombie Makeup Booth next Friday; I need a LOT more makeup people in order to pull this off (only 2 have volunteered to do the makeup). I'm still waiting to hear if we have approval from Administration to go forward on this.
We'll probably have to practice next week to make sure we know what we're doing.
I think that, to make things go quickly, we'll need to have 2 makeup artists per face.
So I'm getting more white makeup; we have bruise wheels and about a gallon of fake blood.

I think we should stick to zombies and just fake blood; bruises would freak people out.
What do you think?

Wednesday, October 20, 2010


Garage Band song with 6 required tracks due this Friday for a grade.

All footage due next Monday for editing. No more equipment checkouts after this deadline.

Remember, the lab is open during Parent Conferences on Tuesday (8 am to 6 pm) and Wednesday (Noon to 5 pm). You can edit during this time.

Monday, October 18, 2010

Last Full Week of Filming

Some classes will be filming during class this week; if you need to film during class, you must let me know ASAP! I've already asked all advanced classes about this, and I think our schedule is pretty much set for the week.

Since it's mid-term, we've got to fit our vocab test in there somewhere, and continue to work on your Garage Band song. See the front board for song requirements; EVERY STUDENT must create a song, and your team will choose a final song during post-production.

Next week is a short week, since we have Parent Conferences on Tuesday the 26th and Wednesday the 27th. Make sure you've scheduled your conference with your Advisor. When we DO meet for classes next week, we'll be editing.

ALL EQUIPMENT IS DUE MONDAY OCT. 25 th!!! Failure to turn in equipment will result in a grade penalty.

Friday, October 15, 2010

Ow! My Toooof!

Free Dental Care Friday and Saturday from 5 a.m. to 5 p.m. at the Manuel Lujan Building on the NM Fairgrounds. No ID or fees. Tell your family!

Thursday, October 14, 2010

The Deadline Approacheth.....(cue menacing sounds)

With only 10 calendar days left to film, it's important that you're communicating with me and with your team about what still needs to be done. Remember, we can always use class time next week; you just have to let me know, and make sure your team is ready to film at that time.

Ladies and gentlemen, there will be NO EXTENSIONS ON THIS DEADLINE. You have been given ample time to complete the production phase of this project. If you miss the deadline, you will call your parents during class to explain why you are failing the second six week term.

Speaking of which, did you realize that we're at the 9-week mark in the semester? You know what THAT means......

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


This Week:
I need names of people interested in the internship with APS (see post below). TODAY!!!

You'll either be taking the PSAT (see final list on board) or the ASVAB. Both are GREAT practice for college entrance exams, job application exams, etc. Take it seriously and try your best. Ms. Padilla is posting a list of testing locations today; most Film students will be in the Lecture Hall.

Friday, October 8, 2010

Journal Blog Post about Friday's ABQ Aloft Mentorship

From Matt Andozola, reporter for the Albuquerque Journal:

6 a.m. - Getting some pro pointers

About 20 students from Albuquerque area high schools are here today to shadow professional videographers. It's the companion project to their work last week with Albuquerque elementary students, says Johanna King, Albuquerque Public Schools spokeswoman.

"They're shadowing professionals and getting to see how it really works in the real world," King says.

The students from Atrisco Heritage Academy are second year film students, says Diane Thomas, head of the film academy at the school. It means they will already be familiar with the technology they'll be using, as well as editing and post production.

"It was a good experience" to work with elementary school students, says Atrisco junior Sarina Ochoa. And what is Ochoa most looking forward to seeing on the field?

"People with cameras," she says.

Read more: ABQNews: Balloon

Wednesday, October 6, 2010

I'm So Excited, I Think I'm Gonna Hyperventilate!!!

I received this email last night from our Principal, Mrs. Griego:


Okay okay okay so that's YOU!!! Ladies and gentlemen, the people that design the APS Website, take the photos, do the interviews, FILM ALL OF THE SCHOOL-RELATED EVENTS AROUND ALBUQUERQUE AND EDIT/POST THE FOOTAGE are looking for high school aged students to intern with them! Ohmigosh this is AWESOME!
Of course, they will want to work with students who have reliable transportation (mom loves driving you around, you have your own car, your cousin will give you a ride, you love the public bus, etc.) and a strong interest in Media/Communications/Creative Technologies.
See me, and we'll start working on an application statement; I'll submit your name to Ms. Molecke.

Garage Band: The Beginning

Today, we'll dip our toes into the musical waters of Garage Band, our soundtrack-generating software.
You'll take a pre-test and then watch a couple of tutorials, and have time to experiment.

You need to generate 2 Tracks in GB Today:
1. A loop track that's 30 seconds long.
2. A Software Instrument track that's 30 seconds long.

Make sure you name your project, and save to the desktop.

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Not just Hot Air!

Copy and paste this URL to read an article about our ABQ Aloft! partnership:

Storyboards Due--Stay Focused!

As you've no doubt noticed, I'm not here today. Your storyboards are still DUE TODAY by the end of class. You have 5 minutes to read these directions before the sub asks you to log out and begin working. Follow the substitute's instructions exactly. ***People who have cameras checked out--like Anthony, Carlos, and others---DO NOT give your cameras to the Sub. Those MUST be checked in with me!!! You can use them today, but HOLD ON TO THEM until Thursday.

1. You will sit with your team after the sub takes attendance and asks you to LOG OUT.
2. One team member will get a camera and your SD Card (book is on my desk) from the sub.
3. EVERYONE will go out to the cafeteria to take pictures (even people who are done with their storyboard; those folks--like Erick, Ariel, Brenda and Omar---can be "models" for other teams to shoot).
4. Your team will have 15 minutes to shoot your storyboard. DO NOT go around the corner to open classroom areas; stay within sight of the sub.
5. Return with the sub to the classroom; get a cable from the sub & download pictures to iPhoto.
6. Give camera and cable back to sub; you must put your own SD Card away in the book.
7. Finish building your storyboard in Celtx. Every shot needs a Shot Type and description beneath it. Print the storyboard, put your teammates' names on it, and turn it in before you leave. Failure to do so will result in a zero for the assignment.

Sub has instructions written down for today, including bathroom passes and computer use. If you are caught off-task (using PhotoBooth, surfing the internet), I will make you call your parents when I return.
ALL STUDENTS are responsible for making sure equipment is returned; I will hold your class responsible for any missing cameras or cables.
Remember, you are representing yourself, me, the class and your Academy today. Make us all proud by staying focused.

Friday, October 1, 2010

ABQ Aloft Takes Off!

The inaugural ABQ Aloft! collaboration between AHAHS and Rudolfo Anaya was a great success! Friday's morning's kickoff launch from the Elementary School was enhanced by the presence of 4 of our Film Production 2 students, who've been working with 4th and 5th graders from R. Anaya to create a film project that will be shown on the APS & Balloon Fiesta websites. Bryce Maddox and David Jaeger (pictured), along with Sarina Ochoa and Jonathan Bardete, will also receive FREE admission to this year's Balloon Fiesta, and the opportunity to shadow a professional photographer or videographer during the Fiesta. Congratulations to this outstanding team for their hard work!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010


We're creating a list of 25 Juniors who want to take the PSAT---first come, first served.
PLEASE only sign up if you're serious about this test.
See the list on the front board; if you don't want to take the PSAT, cross your name off.
If you're not on the list and wish to sign up, print your name on the list.

Friday, September 24, 2010

Idea Sharing & Teaming for Fast Forward

Grab your 6 examples from your folder as you get settled in today; after today's "Director's Chair" presentations, we'll share ideas as a large group, and begin to 'aggregate' according to whose ideas are similar to yours.
You may wind up with a partner, on a team of 2 to 3 people total, or by yourself.
Once you've determined who you're working with (or if you're flying solo), begin your Treatment & Outline.
I'm particularly concerned with HOW you intend to execute this project, WHERE it will take place, and WHEN you plan to film. Please include this info on your T&O before turning in.

Tuesday, September 21, 2010

fast forward....

I imagine this project might challenge some of you in ways you're not used to, so we'll start small and work our way up to a full-blown IDEA for Project #1: Fast Forward!

Grab your folder, and a blank sheet of paper. It's time to answer some questions, watch some videos and think a little bit. Yesterday, we reviewed sample projects from across the spectrum of project possibilities. Today, as you review a few of those samples, I'm going to ask you to brainstorm in each of the categories we discussed.

On your paper (which you'll keep in your folder), write 2 examples of projects YOU could create in each of these categories. That's 6 original examples straight outta your brain!
Watch the videos first if you think they will help; you can watch just the suggested videos in each category, or go crazy with the "Fast Forward Sample Links" bar at left.

1. Expository: This "how-to" category includes the 'making a bottle opener' video, and deals with process-oriented actions. Making a cake for someone (mmmmm, birthday cake....), how to create a graffiti stencil, creating a maze and then drawing your way out, create an ugly stuffed animal, fight your way out of a paper bag, etc....
Copy and paste into your URL:

2. Chronological/Travel: This category addresses the passage of time, like the 'Trafalgar Square' video, and movement through space ('riding my bike to the beach'). You could document the growth/deterioration of an object (think table-top science project--ask Cadman for ideas!), the way a space changes as the day passes, the building/destruction of something, etc...
Copy and paste into your URL:

3. Portrait/Interpretive: This is the category where you can just go crazy. Draw a portrait of someone or assemble it from a pile of torn photos, assemble a series of video clips that profile your neighborhood or city from different points of view/times of day, tell an intricate and personal story (think 'holiday card' video), create a high-speed tour of your favorite places, or create a video that sends a 'message' you believe is important.
Copy and paste into your URL:

"I just wanna say: good luck. We're all counting on you."--Dr. Rumack (Leslie Nielsen), Airplane! (1980)

FCE Opacity and Audio; Moving on to Project #1!

Make sure you've put your Opacity experiment footage in the SAME PROJECT with your first series of shots, but that you create a NEW SEQUENCE (FILE---NEW---SEQUENCE) for the Opacity experiment.

We'll learn a little bit about working with audio in FCE today, too.

Halfway through class, we'll shift gears and begin talking about Fast Forward.

Friday, September 17, 2010


Several things to cover today:

1. Download new footage to FCE. Transfer into the same PROJECT, but make a new SEQUENCE on the timeline.

2. Meet with your "Director's Chair" partner and complete the permission form.

3. Football students can edit the 1st game footage; Balloon Team, see me!

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

And now, for something completely different....

We're taking a break from the Final Cut Mind-Grind today to cover a few topics of interest, and get outta the house for awhile!

1. Albuquerque Aloft---Balloon Fiesta, The Movie!
2. Ms. T is
3. FX on $0 per day
4. Director's Chair: Who's next?
5. Burning down the Firewall:

Sunday, September 12, 2010

4 Basic FCE Functions: Superimposing Video Layers, Cropping, Adding Filters & Adding Titles

Grab your folder and get ready to take notes and dive deeper into Final Cut Express! The last series of our introductory tutorials will cover 4 useful functions in FCE. By the end of class, you must complete the following in your sequence, for a 4-point grade:

1. Superimposing Video Layers--create a "Picture-in-Picture" effect using a second Video layer.
2. Cropping--radically crop a clip in your sequence.
3. Adding filters--add an easily visible filter to a different clip in your sequence.
4. Adding titles--create a "World View Redux" title on the first clip in your sequence.

Note: Each of these 4 functions should be applied to DIFFERENT clips, to make each one easily visible and distinguishable on your sequence. DO NOT double up effects on the same clip!!!

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Exploring Final Cut: A Tutorial with an Accent!

Use the link at the bottom of this post to access a series of training tutorials for FCE beginners.

Initial setup
Final Cut Studio Overview | by Damian Allen
View this entire Final Cut Studio course and more in the Online Training Library®.
View this entire Final Cut Studio course and more in the Online Training Library®.

Calling all ZOMBIES!!! Casting Call, that is....

Casting Call: Last Summer

Last Summer" is film about a group of friends who embark on a weekend camping trip that turns horrifying when zombies show up, only to find that the most unlikely member of their group eerily has powers that no zombie can match.

Auditions will be held the week of September 5th. Filming is currently being scheduled for September 24-28. Please send resumes, head shots and contact information to

Please include the following information: sex, age, phone number, and email address. We will contact you with audition dates and times.

GWG Motion Picture Company, an up-and-coming Albuquerque independent film company, is currently looking to fill several different speaking roles for a horror/sci-fi short film scheduled to shoot later this summer. We are looking for male and female actors, ages 18-25, who are not afraid of running, screaming and getting tons of fake blood splattered on them. We have virtually no budget for this picture, but you will get meals during filming, and receive a DVD of the film when it is finished.

To see the character breakdowns, go to

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

OMG! It's FCE!

Yes, it's time to dive into Final Cut Express. An abbreviated version of the editing software used by professionals, Final Cut Express (FCE) offers lots and lots of editing power, but requires a methodical approach to learning the interface. We'll do this together, with demos, video tutorials, vocab, and lots of practice time! So put on your patient pants!

1. Grab your folder from the bin.
2. Retrieve your camera, SD Card, and a download cable.
3. Open Final Cut Express (FCE).

Monday, August 30, 2010

Director's Chair: Conference

Those with partners will get together today to discuss their taste in film, and begin by doing some research on the website (link in "useful links bar" on this page). Begin by answering the following questions:

1. What kinds of movies do you enjoy? Why?
2. When you explain to people why you like a particular movie, what do you discuss or focus on?
3. Is there a particular type or style of movie you like more than others? Hate more than others?
4. Describe 3 things you enjoyed about a movie you recently saw.

Compare your answers with your partner's, and try to find some "common ground". Begin naming movies, actors, directors and/or genres that you find interesting. Come up with a list of 3 potential films to screen and conduct online research about those films. DON'T spend research time attempting to watch clips from the film; instead, look up important facts about the movie, read reviews (Roger Ebert's link is in the links bar on this page--check it out!), etc. You should have your choice narrowed down by the end of the 30-minute conference.

Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Welcome Back!

Good to see so many familiar faces return for DFP2! This year is going to be a lot different than your beginning film class; we'll focus more on the artistic and personal sides of filmmaking, and work to develop your "style" as a filmmaker!
Refer to the Syllabus for a complete schedule of fall semester projects and activities. Don't forget to pick up a copy of your Student Handbook so that you can go film!

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Final Exam Review

You'll need a sheet of paper and a writing utensil to take notes. Please don't write on my review sheets, as I'll be using those for all of my classes today.

Saturday, May 22, 2010

DVD Portfolio due today! (Mon. 5/24)

You must turn in your DVD Portfolio (200 points---2/3 of your FINAL EXAM!) by 3:00 pm today (Monday, 5/24). It will take you nearly the ENTIRE CLASS PERIOD TO BURN THE DVD, so get going!

Once you've burned the DVD, label it with the following:
Your Name
Class period
"Final Portfolio"
May 2010

I am hosting an open lab at lunch and staying after school.

Thursday, May 20, 2010

Missing Textbooks--HELP!

Folks, we've got more than a few textbooks missing, and if I don't get them turned in to the Bookroom Clerk by Monday, I will personally be fined over $300 for these missing books.
Please, if you borrowed a textbook without telling me, please please bring it back---I cannot afford to pay these fines!

Accuplacer Saturday 5/22

You know who you are---those students who've returned the signed Parent Form and/or called home to remind parents:

Show up tomorrow morning at 9:45 here in E111 to be sure you'll get a seat; we've booked more kids than computers, and you don't want to be stuck in the lab upstairs (eeeewwwww).

You should complete the Accuplacer by Noon; plan on getting a ride home around that time. You may bring your cell phone to contact a parent, but MAY NOT have it out during testing.

Get a good night's sleep and eat a healthy breakfast--you need to feed your brain!

Freak-Out Friday

Your Handy-Dandy "TO DO" List:

1. Finish building your Final Portfolio and Save work. Have me check it.
2. Help your team complete a FINAL CUT of your film--TODAY!
3. Compress and Export a QuickTime version of the Final Cut of your Team's project to a Hard Drive so that ALL team members can put the movie on their iDVD Project.
4. Burn your DVD! Due Monday--no late portfolios accepted! This is 2/3 of your Final Exam!!!
5. Make sure you've performed your "End of Shoot" Duties. (Part of your grade.)

I will be hosting an Open Lab at lunch today, and after school. I suggest you use this extra time to finish your work. Good Luck!

Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Make a movie this summer!

Got this email from the City Film opportunity EVER~!

Check out the link to the 48 Hour Film Festival Website on the "Useful Links" bar--lower right corner of the Blog.
View As Web Page

Are you READY to Join…

The Guerrilla Film Squad?

Are you an Albuquerque Teen…
…with a desire to learn about filmmaking?

Picture (Metafile)


Warehouse 508 is looking to form teams of talented teens to participate in this summers…

Picture (Metafile)

The 48 Hour Film Project is an International film competition.
It will take place in Albuquerque, July 9-11th.

If you are interested please contact Darryl at,

Boot camp will begin soon…

End-Of-Shoot Duties

Each team member will use their free time (waiting to edit, portfolio is finished, etc.) to help "wrap" shooting by inspecting equipment, taking inventory, redistributing props, etc.
You must spend at least one day on this assignment.

Director: Finish final edit (combo A/B Reels onto A Reel computer)
Script Supervisor (1st pd only): Supervise editing to create a seamless final movie
1st AD-Clean the Slate, throw away chalk, recycle paper from folder; save samples as needed (Interrogation, WhoDunnit, Infected Air, Game Show); lead team in final written reflection
DP: Erase all footage on Hard Drive and SD Card
Camera Handler: Erase footage on extra SD Cards
Key Grip: Rearrange lighting equipment (tidy cabinets, repack flag kits, etc.)
Gaffer: Inventory lights--which ones need bulbs and/or repairs?
Sound: Check all mic bags, re-wrap cables and headphones; Number mics according to Bag #
Makeup: Clean out makeup kits, travel bags and reorganize cabinet. Throw away any liquids that are empty or almost empty. Tighten/secure lids on all remaining makeup. Sanitize all brushes with alcohol!
Set/Props: Empty props cabinets--send props home or add to Donation Box (see me 1st)
Talent: Number all Tripods according to Bag #.
PA: Take recycling, remove poster boards, tidy counters; other duties as needed.

Building your DVD Portfolio in iDVD

We'll begin building your Final Portfolio DVD today. Once you have all of your projects on one computer, copy and paste this URL into Safari:

Follow the directions to drag-and-drop movies into your project.
You'll customize the Theme, fill in Drop Zones with pics or movies, and Save the Project.

Once your 5-minute movie is edited, you'll add that to the project and burn the disc.

Thursday, May 13, 2010

Compressing Projects for your Final Portfolio

Step 1

Step 2

Step 3

You're going to need to build your Final Portfolio project on a single computer, which means you probably have to move some of your projects around the room.

Step 1: Open the project you need to move. Note: The file must be in the Project Library, NOT the Event Library, in order for this to work.

Step 2: Double click on the project (or click on the "Edit Project" button to get into the project. Go to the "Share" menu at the top, and choose "Export as a Quick Time Movie".

Step 3: Name the file and choose "Desktop" as the destination, and click "Save".

Step 4: The exported movie will show up on your Desktop. Save to an external hard drive.

Final Portfolio DVD Requirements

Your Final Portfolio is worth 200 points (2/3 of your Final Exam Grade) and consists of a DVD with the following projects:

Silent Movie
5-minute Movie

and at least 3 of the following:

Basic Shot Types Filming Test
Tripod Filming Test
Lighting Filming Test
Sound Filming Test

You only need 3 of the 4 filming tests; if you have all 4, choose the BEST 3.

If you set this up correctly, you'll be able to browse the movie menu on your DVD player at home, and show off your work like a pro!

Editing your Movie

Each team member will earn their 5 daily points by editing on A-Roll or B-Roll footage. Use the LOG SHEET to make notes about good/bad takes.
Team members will edit for 10-15 minutes at a time, then trade with someone from their team.
Eventually, we'll compress your edited B-roll footage and move it to the same computer as your A-Roll footage. They'll be combined to create a final movie that uses different point-of-view shots for a richly textured final result.

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Accuplacer Saturday 5/22

All Dual Credit Candidates:

We will be administering the Accuplacer HERE in E111 next Saturday, 5/22 at 10 a.m.
If you have already registered AND have a CNM ID# on file with me, you will be receiving a letter to take home to parent/family for a signature. You may also go to CNM's Main Campus THIS SATURDAY (5/15) to take the Accuplacer.

IF you do not show up to test, OR you have a paper application in process, you MUST go to CNM's Main Campus this summer to take the Accuplacer. Otherwise, you WILL NOT be eligible for Dual Credit for DFP2 next year. Eligible students will be placed in a special section of Film Prod 2.

There are NO exceptions to this rule, no last-minute magic, and no do-overs. Plan on showing up next Saturday.

B Hall LAST CHANCE Thursday

Pds. 2 & 7:

ONE LAST SHOT at B-Hall: Filming has been cleared for after school on Thursday. 2:30 until finished. Do or die.
Let me know if your team will show up, and how everyone will get home afterward.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Last week of production

We'll finish early today in order to visit Ms. Urioste's War Fare! Be back by 8:30.
Chop Chop! Only 2 days left!!!

Friday, May 7, 2010

Production Meeting #3

Several Objectives to Accomplish Today:

1. Director and 1st AD will work with talent to create a Script Breakdown: Analyze shooting script and determine what you have left to shoot for next week. Create a list of scenes and a written PLAN for what you will do.

2. Sound recordists will begin tutorials for Garage Band.

3. Remaining team members will download and analyze footage from both Cameras.

Only 2 days of production left!
We have a visitor this morning; show off what you've done!!!

Monday, May 3, 2010

Day 14: The Clock is Tickin'!

Only 3 days of production left! See the board.

CNM Paper App?

If you took a paper application home during Friday's CNM Apply-A-Thon, see me! I have to mail those off ASAP!

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Prod. Meeting #2

1. Get folders back and check grades from last week's "Strategy" meeting.

2. Sit with team and review comments.

3. Evaluate how well your team has used the strategies you came up with (if you're using them at all), and if it's improved the quality and/or efficiency of your work.

4. ON THE BACK OF LAST WEEK'S PAPER, each team member should either make a suggestion for further improvement or write about how the team strategy has helped the team.

5. Several members of the team (not the 1st AD or Director) should be elected to report results to the rest of the class. After each team reports, work will be turned in @ front of team folder.

Wild Justice Shoots Again!

Tomorrow, Sat. May 1st, the "Wild Justice" crew will be back to film a second episode of their courtroom 'dramedy' series about wild-but-true New Mexico court cases.

Let me know if you're interested in being an extra and/or shadowing a crew member, but be is at 7 a.m., and it's going to be a long day.

You'll get to see a real film crew in action, AND get fed for free all day long! FUN!

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Day 13: Check Yo'Self!

Day 12's Call Sheets will be handed back. Review any comments with team.

Each team should include on the Call Sheet which scene will be filmed that day. 1st A.D.'s can modify today's Call Sheet by hand, but will need to include this info in a digital copy from now on.

Remember, you're still being held to a higher standard; work accordingly.

FRIDAY we'll complete CNM Applications while teammates are downloading footage; we'll also have your 2nd production meeting.

Monday, April 26, 2010

Day 12

Remember, expectations have been raised, and grading criteria are getting stricter. You've had a week to practice, work out the "bugs", and improve your job performance. No more mistakes!

1. Each team will share with the class the strategies they've developed for safe, successful shoots. Written team strategy must be in front pocket of 1st AD's folder.

2. We'll review the Calendar for a quick "reality check" on how many days of production your team has left.

3. I'm instituting Equipment Checks at the end of every production day. Be prepared upon return to show me all of your equipment before putting it away.

4. Return no later than 8:50.

FT Forms DUE

Turn in your UNM Field Trip Form today. Trip details forthcoming.

Friday, April 23, 2010


Today's Agenda:

1. Begin downloading your footage.
2. Check the portable hard drive to see if your commercial and silent film have been uploaded; if not, do so immediately.
3. Teams will bring pencil and paper out to the cafeteria for a production meeting.

Thursday, April 22, 2010

Furniture in Shooting Rooms; Missing Items

I got an email today from Ms. Cisneros regarding use of open classrooms; if you must move furniture, DO NOT DRAG IT across the floor. This leaves marks on the floor and damages the surface.

Also, a number of items have gone missing from the makeup kits; please help keep an eye on this inventory, as we can't afford to replace what's "walked away". Thanks for your help.

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Field Trip Form

Make sure you got a Medical form for our UNM Field Trip, and that you're getting BOTH sides filled out and signed by your parent/guardian. Turn it in as soon as possible; forms are due NO LATER THAN MONDAY APRIL 26TH!!!!

Only those Film Academy students who turn in forms on time will be allowed to attend.

Assembly Schedule Today; Short Shoot!!!

Get ready to go as quickly as possible today; you only have until 8:35 to film, and MUST be back by 8:45 for check-in. The bell rings at 8:52 to go to the College Fair Assembly.

1st period:
CSI: Both crews will head to the Freshman building to review shooting schedules and prepare; Interrogation grip, gaffer, set design and makeup can stay behind to prepare the conference room.

3rd period:
PSA: See me for wardrobe. Also, we're booked to use the Nurse's office on Monday for the "Medical" scene. YAY!

7th period:
No notes.

Monday, April 19, 2010

Time to Make Some Movies!

Before you shoot today:

1st AD: Create Call Sheets for Today and next class period. Must be complete!

Director: Give me a copy of the final shooting script.

DP: I'm assigning you and your Camera Handler permanent cameras & tripods. The numbers for your equipment should go on the Call Sheet and inside cover of your 1st AD's folder. You are responsible for the condition of this equipment from now until the end of the semester.

Set/Props: Head over with your PA and Sound to set up the room.

Makeup: Start slappin foundation on those pretty faces!

Talent: Rehearse, rehearse, rehearse!!! You should have your script in front of you at all times, right up until shooting.

Key Grip/Gaffer: Demo in cafeteria--flags and stops. This will help you control light in your shoot, and eliminate harsh shadows. 1st 15 minutes of class with Ms. T

Thursday, April 15, 2010

It's GO Time!!! Last dry run...

Excepting 1st and 3rd pds, everyone will immediately get equipment, gear, props, wardrobe, makeup, 1st AD folder, scripts, and brains and head onto your set.
You're going to be TIMED today, for setup and breakdown, and your ability to be ready to film a 30-second scene and follow proper call/response procedure during today's class.

We'll stop early (after 30 minutes) so that teams can FIX their folders and IMPROVE their team grades.

This is the final preparation stage for next week--Days 10 through 15 (filming) begin Monday.
It's what you've worked hard to be ready for; so let's make some movies!!!!

Tuesday, April 13, 2010

180 degree rule

Check out this definition:

We'll learn today how to avoid continuity errors by carefully placing both of your cameras.

Best tutorial video EVER on this topic:

Checking for Continuity

See how many mistakes you can spot!

Monday, April 12, 2010

Day 8, PLUS!

Many of you never turned in a script, which will have a negative effect on your grade. If you just need to print it, do so NOW and turn in to the black basket on my desk.

Propsmaster: Collect props and update list.
Makeup: Organize materials and start practicing.
Talent: Read and rehearse final script.
1st AD: Organize & label folder materials; start Call Sheet (digital copy). Make sure final storyboard and script are in folder & ready to copy.
Director: Gather crew (DP, CH, Grip, Gaffer, Sound) and review final storyboard. Refer to notes on "Day 8" of production schedule. Begin rehearsals.

ALL: Review shooting protocols in a mock shoot with Ms. T.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Diccionario de Cine Online

Translation of movie terms from English to Spanish. Gotta love the internet!

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Next Steps

Don't forget to attend your Next Step Conference tomorrow or Friday with your Advisory teacher and your parent/family member. These are required for graduation, and it's actually a positive meeting about your goals for the future.

Can you hear me now???

Good times and lots of useful info on running sound for movies and television at Tuesday's workshop with Bill Clement.

Thanks to all who attended--you did a GREAT job!

Watch weird movies for free!

Check out Saturday night's "To Do"!

Monday, April 5, 2010

Catching Up

Dir./DP: Storyboard
Camera Handler: Review equipment use, shot list, expose on location
1st AD: Call Sheet
Makeup/Set Design: Complete Char. Design, Set Design, Props list in packet, assess current props and makeup in storage
Talent/Script Supervisor: Review Scripts, make comments and recommendations to Director
Sound: Review equipment use
Key Grip/Gaffer: Review equipment use
PA/Other: Create shooting schedule on iCal, listing location (room #) and times on each day. (work with 1st AD)

Thursday, April 1, 2010


Don't forget, our Sound Workshop is tomorrow (Tue. 4.6), during the first half of 4th period~check in with your teacher, then report to the Lecture Hall. I have the list of people who signed up; see me if you're not sure.

Sign-up has begun for Episode 2 of "Wild Justice". They need extras and actors! Sign-up is on the board, but HURRY! Space is limited.

Wednesday, March 31, 2010

SSN/CNM Application

PLEASE turn in your SSN to Ms. T TODAY so that we can move forward with completing CNM Applications and scheduling the Accuplacer test. If your parents/family are reluctant to give you this info, they can help you complete the application online at home. Go To:
and click on "Apply Now". You'll need to print the signature page, containing your ID#, and bring that to Ms. T.
DON'T WAIT to get this done!!! 70 other people are counting on you!

Sound Workshop next Tuesday

Next Tuesday, Bill Clement, a sound engineer for film and TV (including "Breaking Bad") will host a 2-part workshop on sound for film. The first session is a general "Overview" session, where you'll get to play with some sound equipment and hear from Mr. Clement about good sound recording practices. This general "Overview" session takes place during 2nd period.
Afterward, all Sound Recordists and any other interested students will be participating in a hands-on workshop with our equipment, where Mr. Clement helps answer all of your questions about the job you're expected to perform. Should be informative and lots of fun!
Sign up with Ms. T if you're interested; remember, if you're a Sound Recordist for your crew, you must attend.

Tuesday, March 30, 2010

Catching Up

We've got to finish some of the business from Days 1 & 2 on your Production Schedule; after about 25 minutes of scriptwriting, we'll transition to Mr. Reese's classroom for Breakout sessions with your crew's subgroups.
You have assignments to finish today, for your daily 5-pt. production grade.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Non-DC Team members

Those students not attempting Dual Credit will begin their Rough Draft script today in Celtx, using the 3-paragraph narrative you wrote during the last class period. At least 1 page must be completed by the end of class today.
Check your script for proper formatting, spelling, punctuation and grammar--these count!!
Save the script to your desktop and, if you're not sitting at your usual computer, email it to yourself.

Dual Credit Students--Admissions App Today

All students attempting Dual Credit for next year's DigiFilm 2 class will complete CNM's online admissions application today. You'll need your Social Security # and a valid e-mail address. Be sure to write down the PIN# and CNM ID# that you create this morning! This is step 1 of the Dual Credit process, and gets you ready to take the Accuplacer test.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

Pd. 2 Job Assignments

“Infected Air” Crew

Director: Marissa Marroquin

DP: Richard Gutierrez

Camera Handler : Eddie Jimenez

1st AD/Slate : Lily Estrada

Key Grip : Dylan Galloway

Gaffer : Felilpe Hurtado

Sound Recordist : David Jaeger

Makeup/Hair/Wardrobe: AJ Wright (2)

Set Design/Props: Sinay Ocana

Production Assistant (PA): Kevin Jiron

Talent: AJ Wright, Omar Saenz, Brenda Rodriguez

“Mad Scientist” Crew

Director: Carlos Gasca

DP: Damien Riojas

Camera Handler : Cynthya Carbajal

1st AD/Slate : Rosa Chairez

Key Grip /Gaffer: DJ Maestas

Sound Recordist : Isaak Salas

Makeup/Hair/Wardrobe : Sara Gonzalez

Set Design/Props : Isay Ocana

Production Assistant (PA): Isay Ocana (2)

Talent: Daniel Romero

“WhoDunnit?” Crew

Director: Ashlee Dominguez

DP: Lawrence Gonzales

Camera Handler : Buddy Gallegos

1st AD/Slate: Annahi Munoz

Key Grip : Cinthia Carreon

Gaffer : Jimmy Zambrano

Sound Recordist : Michael Madrid

Makeup/Hair/Wardrobe :Alejandra Lechuga

Set Design/Props : Alyssia Yazzie

Production Assistant (PA): Jimmy Zambrano (2)

Talent: Ricardo Nunez, Jacob Murphy, Shayla Sanchez

Monday, March 22, 2010

Pd. 7 Job Assignments


“Killer in the Barbershop” Crew

Director: Daniel Sanchez

DP: Ruben Lucero

Camera Handler : Shauntae Cervantes

1st AD/Slate: Yarima Hernandez

Key Grip: Aldo Ornelas

Gaffer: Marcus Dotey-Young

Sound Recordist: Charles Saenz

Makeup/Hair/Wardrobe: Jasmine Garcia

Set Design/Props: Saul Pinela

Production Assistant (PA): Marcus Dotey-Young, Joseph Perez

Talent: Isaac Rael, Adam Mascarenas

“Game Show” Crew

Director: Roberto Puentes

DP: Erick Martel

Camera Handler: Sarah Perez

1st AD/Slate : Jazmine Dominguez

Key Grip: Matt Baca

Gaffer: Joel Holguin

Sound Recordist: Eddie Garcia

Makeup/Hair/Wardrobe: Karen Toxqui-Flores

Set Design/Props: Jessah Mantohac

Production Assistant (PA): Joel Holguin, Manuel Esquivel

Talent: Luis Contreras, Joaquin Mendoza, Michael Garcia, Carlos Ogaz