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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

ACT Workshop

From Ms. Padilla in the College Go! Center:
AHA College Go Center presents ACT summer workshops to help Atrisco Heritage Academy high school students interested in improving their ACT score. The workshops take place from 8am – 11am @ AHA. The three day workshop will take place on the following dates:
Tuesday June 7th
Wednesday June 8th
Thursday June 9th
* no cost for the ACT workshops
Topics Covered
  • Review of each subject covered on the ACT
  • Actual practice testing
  • Test-taking strategies
  • Information on how the ACT is scored
  • Tips on achieving your target score
Students please sign up with Mrs. Padilla in the College Go Center (Main Office) or via email Sign up sheet will be available @ the College Go Center.
If you have questions or concerns please contact me @ 243-1458 ext.60134

Fellow Filmmakers

Check out work from DFP1 students on Ms. Kurland's website!

Friday, May 20, 2011

Okay, don't cry....but...ummm.....

We don't have enough DVD's for everyone to burn their portfolio today, and we don't have any money in the Film account (see post below about how you never paid your fees), soooooo.....until I can buy some this weekend with my own money, I have to postpone your Portfolio deadline until Monday. It's not fair to make some people burn DVD's until I run out, then let everyone else off the hook.

Monday is a "C" Day, so you WILL be here, and you WILL burn your DVD at the start of class. Today's your last day to get me any missing assignments, and to finish editing/assembling your intro and portfolio.

p.s. don't tell anyone who's not reading the blog. let's mess with 'em. ;)

Wednesday, May 18, 2011

Because you don't have enough to worry about....

I've made a list of students who paid their $10 Materials Fee for the course this year (thanks!). Everyone else will have a $10 Fine attached to their account, which will hold up grades, registration, and...eventually...graduation.
Remember, this fee barely covers repairs (like the busted tripods, camera chargers, and boom poles I've been finding), SD Cards (which you keep losing), batteries (which you've used up), DVD's (again, all you) and printing supplies (which you've used all year).
We don't receive any money from the school to pay for this stuff, so it's all sustained by fees. I dare say, after 9 months in the class, you've gotten your $10 worth. If you pay the fee by Monday, I won't turn in the fine on your account. Otherwise, it will be a hold on your records.
Thanks for your help in making sure we can continue to offer a quality experience to our students.

Final Exam Schedule

Drag the image of the Final Exam Schedule to your desktop, and open with Preview.

Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Cuidando Projects, Edits Due

Cuidando Teams and Special Projects Editors,
I'll be coming around to visit with you today about your work. Projects are due. Now.

Monday, May 16, 2011

Portfolio Due on Friday

Time to get shooting!
Your Final Portfolio, worth 2/3 of your Final Exam, is due on DVD this Friday.

Trust me when I say it will take all of Friday's class period to burn this DVD, and you won't have time on Friday to do any editing or compiling in iDVD.
To that end, I'll have the lab open during lunch this week any time someone requests it. That doesn't mean I'll hang out in here just in case you feel like dropping by; you must let me know when you plan to work during lunch.
I have multiple after-school appointments this week; do not goof off during class then ask me to stay after school. Won't happen.

Next Monday we'll review for your Final Exam. I'll post the exam schedule on the blog mid-week.

Thursday, May 12, 2011

Creating a Chaptered DVD Portfolio in iDVD

Watch the following tutorial after getting all of your movies (Fast Forward, Immigration, Green Screen and Cuidando/Yrbk/Editing Project) onto the desktop of your "home" computer (attendance seat). It will show you how to begin building a Chaptered DVD in the iDVD software.

It's all about time....and you've run out.

Hi All! Just in case you haven't figured it out yet, you've run out of time to procrastinate on your projects for this class. That includes all the missing scripts/storyboards for Cuidando Los Ninos and other projects, your written reflection for your final portfolio, and time to compress and collect all of your videos.

Next week the Cuidando projects are due, AND everyone has to shoot & edit their introduction for the Final Portfolio: A DVD of all of your projects from this year, plus the intro. It's worth two-thirds of your FINAL EXAM GRADE (200 points), so there's no getting around it.
Next week is our last working week of class; thereafter, it's just Final Exams.

So get to it!

Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Cuidando Kids! News from the Competition Coordinator!


In order to keep all of the films organized and in order, we ask that each film be submitted with the submission form that can be found as an attachment on the YCCFF website. This form asks for the parent or guardian to sign as well as the student filmmaker, this will allow us at Cuidando Los Niños the right to reproduce and distribute the films for our purposes.
On another note, if possible, submissions from your classes can be grouped onto one DVD rather than each one a separate DVD, this would be cost effective for you and make life simpler on our side.


Chris Ortiz y Pino
Community Coordinator
Cuidando Los Niños
A Home for Every Child
(505) 843-6899 Ext. 113

Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Preparing Your Final Portfolio: The Introduction

After using your writing assignment to help you craft a 25-point short thematic script (in the style of one of the genres we've studied), you'll create a 25-point storyboard in Celtx (we'll do a quick review if needed). Plan on shooting your introduction during class time in the next few days, as we only have about 10 days until Final Exams!

Any free time you have after completing assignments should be spent compressing and collecting your movie projects onto your "home" (assigned seat) computer. Once you have them all, create a new iDVD project and add those movies in.

The Final Portfolio consists of a DVD with an Introduction and Chapters containing each of your movie projects from this year. It's worth 200 points (66%) of your Final Exam. Your written final is worth 100 points (34%).

Monday, May 9, 2011

Check out the promo for the yearbook!

Created by Pd. 2 DFP2 students. Nice job!

Thursday, May 5, 2011

Pds. 2&4: Writing your Portfolio Introduction

You're going to start on your Final Portfolio today, creating the ideas that will shape your "Introduction" to your Portfolio DVD, which is two thirds of your final exam. Check it out:

You're going to film a short piece, in the style of one of the genres we've studied. This short film will focus on what you've accomplished this year, your struggles and triumphs, what you've learned, what the future holds, etc....

For example, you may create a "Western" shootout, with multiple enemies like "Lazy" or "Confused" that you shoot dead as you talk about how you've gotten better this year.
You may make a "Zombie Horror" short, with a voice-over talking about how "out of it" you were at the beginning of the year, or something like that.

ANYHOO, to get started, you must complete today's assignment for a 20-point grade. AS LONG AS YOU ARE WORKING, you may listen to music---with headphones on!!!:

1. Open "Word" and create a new Document. Immediately save it to the Desktop and call it "Reflection".
2. Keep this window open and answer the following questions by typing in your document:
  1. Describe 2 important things that happened to you this year (in this class, in life, school, or elsewhere) that have helped shape who you are now.
  2. Name 3 things you learned to do better this year, in this class, or another; in school or in life.
  3. Discuss 1 thing that's still a struggle for you; maybe it's a bad habit you can't break, or your difficulties in a particular class, in school, or in life.
  4. Talk about someone or something that has helped you this school year. How did they/it help you?
  5. If you could be ANY movie character, from all of movie history, who/what would it be? You must explain WHY you chose this character.
3. When you are done typing, use the Spelling and Grammar Tool to check your work; make sure you have at least 10 sentences TOTAL. Print your work, put your name on top, and turn in to the black basket on my desk before you leave today.

Cuidando Teams: Shooting Schedule

Complete your team info in the Shooting Schedule Google Doc:

Pds. 2&4: Field Trip Forms due Tue. 5/10

Hey Cuidando Teams! We're gonna get outta the house next Friday, May 13th, for a trip to the KNME Television Studios! Yes, that's right, as a reward for your hard work on this difficult topic, we're going to expose you to the non-profit Broadcast industry, to give you a glimpse of what goes on at a TV Station.

Pd. 2 Teams will attend in the morning, from 2nd thru 4th pd. See me, or the list on the cabinet, for your Advisor's location.

Pd. 4 Teams will attend from 4th thru the first half of 7th. Don't worry, you'll get fed. :)

Now, you know that when I say something's due, it's due. And your Jaguar form is due on Tuesday. So get these Jaguar forms signed!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

uPublic Interns: Behold your future!

Links below will help you learn more about uPublic and get excited about how you'll spend your fall internship. Check it!

Monday, May 2, 2011

Filming in the City? Look out below!

Go the City of Albuquerque Film Office site to download Permit documents and learn more about the permitting process for filming in Albuquerque:

Thursday, April 28, 2011


Opening Ceremonies and the FAB Meeting/Mixer tonight at the National Hispanic Cultural Center (Bridge and 8th St.)---admission is FREE!

Tomorrow night, Saturday, join us at the NHCC at 6 pm for screenings of finalists in each category, as well as awards.

CONGRATULATIONS to Alyssia Yazzie, Lily Estrada and Carlos Ramirez--their green screen film "Amiable Desires" made it into the festival! So did "Gone", from Edgar Ramirez and Valeria Realyvasquez. Special CONGRATS to Katya Perez and Dayna Robles---their Stop-Frame animation "Walk Through Hell" placed 1st in Animation! Way to go!!!

Please join us to watch the best of film from high schools around the state, and support our AHA films, especially on Saturday! Remember, all events are free!!!

Pds. 2 & 4: Getting Started

We're going to try to stick to a short deadline on ALL of the projects we're working on. As we get started today, please LOG IN to your Google Docs account, to make sure you set it up correctly and we can use it to share files if needed.

Editing Teams: Make sure you are using an Editing Log in order to receive full credit for the work you're doing.

Yearbook Teams: Check your folder for updates. T&O is due today including a wardrobe & props list, and you must create a storyboard and shooting schedule tomorrow. I need to notify the Yearbook teacher by Friday when/where her students need to show up for filming next week.

Cuidando Teams: T&O due at the end of class today. This document must be complete, to include shooting locations, calendar dates and times (whether on or off campus). We'll need to secure talent permission forms for all those appearing on camera.

Monday, April 25, 2011

Cuidando Teams: Google Docs!

Get on board the future train, people. Google Docs are the best way to share documents, resource lists, and aggregated info with you.
You'll need to create a Google account (unless you already use gmail) to log into the docs you need for this competition, including Rules, Resources, Website, etc....

So get to it already!

p.s. if you're utterly confused, see the link below for tutorials. like, now.

Yearbook Promo Team: Google Docs

You, my special legion of warriors, have been chosen to enter the world of Google Docs!
This allows us to all log in, view, edit, and share the script and storyboard for this project, without having to use the blog.
You will need to create a Google Doc account (unless you already use gmail).
To find out more, click on the links below:

To start your account:

Yearbook Script:

Genre in 60 Seconds

Genre Resources to get you started:

check this post frequently for updates.

Friday, April 22, 2011

Internship Check-up, Cuidando Project, Editing Teams

We've got a lot of ground to cover today. I'll meet with Internship Seniors and we'll look at the Internship Documents you must complete. Meanwhile, the Cuidando Project students will try to finalize ideas and teams (2nd & 4th pds. only), and remaining students will be assigned to edit one of the following projects:

1. 5-minute "short" version of Immigration Project (2)
2. Grandparents' Day event footage (2)
3. HCC Excellence Awards Dinner (3)
4. Football footage (2)
5. Yearbook commercial (plan/shoot/edit) (3)

Thursday, April 21, 2011

Researching Child Homelessness

Today you'll research Child Homelessness, document your results, and answer some questions to get us started on this film project.
Create a new document in Word, with your name and class period. Print completed work today before watching Green Screen films.

Start here to find at least 3 facts and/or statistics about child homelessness:

Cuidando's Web Site:

In the same Word document, answer the following:

1. How do you think homelessness impacts a child's life?
2. Why is it important to try to end child homelessness?
3. What are some of the factors that lead to homelessness?
4. How can being homeless as a child have an impact on someone later in life?
5. List at least 5 images/objects you associate with "children" and "home".

Tuesday, April 19, 2011

This Week's Schedule

We'll finish "Drama", watch and critique your green screen films, discuss the Homeless Kids' project, and continue to talk about internships.

Friday, April 15, 2011

Film 3

Today I'd like to talk with you about Film Prod. 3. I understand that many students dropped the class after talking with the counselor last week; it's important to understand that the schedule isn't set, and we're trying to move those classes into earlier slots.

For those seniors interested in TV Broadcasting, we're creating a special section of Film 3 to work with the TV class (which is mostly upcoming juniors), so we'd need to sign you up for Film 3.

Next Year's Seniors

Internship Application and Info:

Every Senior doing an internship must complete this. I have the master list of those who are eligible for an internship. See me ASAP.

Monday, April 11, 2011

DDYFF Deadline today.

This is it....time to submit both your DVD and signed paperwork for 75 points. You will not be allowed to make up this grade if you fail to submit a project for the festival.
Make sure DVD is labeled with the Project Title and your name(s).

I will be calling you up individually to check off your submission, including DVD and paperwork.

Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Sol Acting Academy Newsletter

Click on this link for the latest workshops from Sol Acting Academy, including "Acting for the Camera", Comedy Workshops, a Modeling Workshop (including Photo Shoot), and more!

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

SBA Week

I'm so very proud of how well you've done so far on the SBA Exams this week! I know it's been stressful, and a real brain drain, but your commitment to success will pay off!

For the brief time we're meeting this week, we'll focus on prepping films for submission to the Digital Desert Film Fest (see link at right), completing Grandparents' Day and Student Elections projects, and retesting those who scored below an 80 on the Vocab.

On Friday we'll chill out and watch your Green Screen projects.

Next week.....DRAMA!!!!

Thursday, March 31, 2011

Cool Potential Project

See me if interested....

The Youth Creating Change Film Festival is our way of engaging young people in advocating for child homelessness, as well as providing young people interested in media arts an outlet for their work to be seen.

Open call for Middle-school and high-school aged youth to produce Public Service Announcements and short films to educate and motivate the community to act on child homelessness. The films will be shown on June 25, 2011 at the South Broadway Cultural Center. A panel of judges will award prizes based on factual content, creativity, production value, and an effective call to action.
These films will be used by a Home for Every Child advocacy program to educate and motivate communities to end child homelessness throughout New Mexico.

Chris Ortiz y Pino
Regional Community Coordinator
Cuidando Los Niños
NM Campaign to End Child Homelessness
(505) 843-6899 Ext. 113

Sr. Intern Info in Cafeteria

Hey 2012 Seniors! Those of you eligible for Internships or Community Projects need to check out the info boards in the Main Cafeteria, and complete a Survey form. That way, Ms. T knows how best to get you set up for next fall's Friday fun!!!

***If you DON"T complete the survey, I'll just have to pick something FOR you....(Cue wicked laughter.....)

Monday, March 28, 2011

The Deadlines are coming!! The Deadlines are coming!!!!!

Yeeeessssss, it's that time again~ time to submit films, for grades and glory!

This Friday, April 1st, is the deadline for your Green Screen project. Must be submitted as a high-resolution Quick Time file.

Friday, April 15th is the submission deadline for the Digital Desert Youth Film Festival. I have TONS of permission and talent forms copied; come pick up as many as you think you'll need, and start collecting signatures!

We've been asked to do "something special" for Grandparents' Day (April 13), when we'll have families on campus for events and tours. Currently taking ideas, suggestions, and opportunities for Extra Credit.....

It's Vocab Time! Take a few minutes to review with a partner today. We WILL test this week.

Friday, March 25, 2011

SBA Math Practice

Practice Problems:

(Show your work)

5 SD Cards and 5 DVD’s cost $28. 1 SD Card and 5 DVD’s cost $8. How much does one SD Card cost?

A magazine ad says that 4 out of 7 Cinematographers prefer the Canon GL2 camera over any other digital camera. If you surveyed 400 Cinematographers, how many would recommend the Canon GL2 camera?

Thursday, March 24, 2011

Upcoming Deadlines

Friday, April 1: Green Screen films are due. Must have credits (check spelling and grammar).

Friday, April 15: Submissions due---WITH PAPERWORK!---for DDYFF. Every student must submit at least 1 exhibit-worthy film, for 75 points.

Also, we're at the 9-week mark.....VOCAB TIIIIIIIIIIIIIIME! Expect to see a lot of Genre-related terms this time around.

Monday, March 21, 2011

Welcome Back!

Hope you had a restful Spring Break.

Today we'll look at your Green Screen footage and talk about due dates.
We also have to review note-taking strategies for Genre Studies, which we'll pick up again later this week.

Also, it's submission time for the Digital Desert Film Fest! I'll be talking with you today about what you're going to send in to this competition

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Casting Call on Saturday!

A message to all members of Indie Q

Audition Call from (Subli)minal Gaming:
We are seeking male and female talent, of all ages, for film and voice over acting for our video game project, Bit-Chaos.

Audition will be held on Saturday, March 19 at 2:00-5:00 pm.

Flying Star Downtown
723 Silver Avenue
Albuquerque, NM 87102

For more information contact (Subli)minal Gaming at: or 505-489-4817

Visit Indie Q at:

Play the Genre Game!

See if you can beat my record!!!!

Summer Training Opportunity--very cool!

Hispanic Youth Institute Applications Now Available
Are you a high school student interested in learning about college and career opportunities? The Hispanic Youth Institute inspires students like you to achieve a college education, pursue a professional career, and invest in your community as volunteers and leaders. You will participate in college and career workshops, connect with local Hispanic professionals, meet college admissions officers, interact with near-peer mentors, listen to inspirational speakers, and compete for scholarships. Throughout the on-campus experience, you will build your confidence and receive practical tools to help you along their pathway to college. The Hispanic College Fund will then work with you year-around.
The Hispanic Youth Institute currently serves high school students in Arizona, Dallas, Maryland, New Mexico, Virginia and three locations in California (Central Valley, Los Angeles, and Silicon Valley).
To apply to the program, visit and select the region where you live.

Wednesday, March 9, 2011

SBA Practice

From “A Western is a Western is a Western”, by Stuart J. Kobak.

Accessed March 3, 2010.

There are elements that must be found in a film to label it a Western. It is fair to insist that a Western have a reasonable amount of action and at minimum a modicum of shoot-em-up. Conflict resides in the guts of all Westerns. We need good guys and bad guys, although the differences can sometimes be blurred. Capturing a sense of the great outdoors is fundamental precept of the greater number of Westerns. Often a chase is the driving force behind a Western's plot. A changing way of life is frequently the focus of genre treatment and pioneers are found as unsung heroes.

There is really no firm description that can lasso the genre. No Western will have each and every element in evidence. Not all Westerns are created equal and all are not equally Westerns. When enough of the essential nature of the genre is present in a film, it isn't too great a stretch to call it a Western. Western or Eastern, Adventure, or Drama: the mere labels do not make the reality of a film. The sum of its elements alone determine in what genre it most comfortably fits. After all, a Western is a Western is a Western. 

Give me the frontier spirit, boots and spurs, broad brimmed hats, horses and Indians, six shooters, repeating Winchesters or bows and arrows and the spirit of the Western spreads out its sweeping vistas before my eyes. When the hero and bad man face off in typical genre confrontation, I could care less if the shoot-out takes place in Tombstone, Alaska, or Australia. As long as the essential Western spirit rears up against a purple sky, its a Western for me. I don't care if the frontier is the East Coast of America or the West Coast or whether it's 1765 or 1875. The Western genre is defined by Pike Bishop uttering the fateful "We want Angel," that precipitates the Boschlike carnage at the climax of The Wild Bunch; or it's Ethan Edwards' refrain "That'll be the day," in Ford's master work The Searchers.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Divide and Conquer!

Juniors interested in internships---see me today!

We're doing all we can to help get you squared away for a cool, exciting internship next fall! Step 1 is to prepare your resume and start thinking about where you might want to do your internship. Pick up a Resume Prep Worksheet from me this morning.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Crime, Your Way

We're shifting gears for Genre Studies!
For our next Genre, Crime, I'm going to give you the basic overview of Crime Movies, including themes and sub-genres, and some resources to get you started.
Then, you and a teammate or two will work together during class to create a short (5-minutes) presentation on your sub-genre, including a movie clip, and notes about plot, key characters, style, themes and Art Department.
The class will take notes in this Genre based on these presentations.

I'll be collecting your Genre notes for grading when we're done with Crime.

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Genre Studies

For the next 2 weeks, during Green Screen production, we'll be studying "genres" in film. You'll keep extensive notes in your folder, for which you will be graded. You'll need to study those notes for the test at the end of this unit. Studying major types of films will help prepare you for this semester's big project, "Genre in 60 Seconds".
You should be able to fit 2 Genre's worth of notes onto a single piece of paper. Copy the info below onto the TOP and BOTTOM halves of a piece of paper, leaving space for your answers:

Genre: an identifiable type, category, classification or group of films that have similar techniques or conventions.

Genre Studied:


Key Idea/Activities/Plot Structure:

Main Character Type(s):

Typical Art Department (Costume, Location, Style):

Friday, February 18, 2011

SF University of Art & Design: Want more info?

Those students interested in finding out more about the Santa Fe University of Art & Design--see me to sign up on a contact sheet that Shandi Thompson sent me. I'm mailing it back to her next Thursday.

Green Screen: Production

We're in the filming phase of your project for the next 2 weeks. Your team MUST sign up on the filming calendar, and BE PREPARED to film on the day you've signed up. Failure to film during the time slot you've reserved will result in your project grade being lowered by a letter grade. If you are absent on the day you've scheduled filming, you MUST bring a copy of your doctor's note to me in order to avoid grade penalties.

We're only scheduling the next 2 weeks to film during class; if you wish to film during lunch or after school, you must make arrangements with me and demonstrate readiness (i.e., show me your props, wardrobe, etc. BEFORE that day).

Monday, February 14, 2011

FT Info

Our Santa Fe trip is fast approaching! Please plan for the following:

We'll meet in the cafeteria outside of my classroom (E111) at 7:45 on Wednesday; I'll have a reminder announcement made.
Weather should be warm-ish, in a Santa Fe kind of way. Layer up!
Wear comfy shoes; you'll be on your feet ALL DAY.
We'll get FilmNM shirts when we arrive; it would be great if you could wear it all day.
Bring your camera! There's lots to see and do and photograph.
You'll carry everything you bring with you on the trip; pack light!

Don't forget==you MUST arrange a ride home at 4:30 on Wednesday! Please let me know who is picking you up.

Thursday, February 10, 2011


Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Advocate! Advocate! Advocate!

Email addresses for senators are on the blog site above.
Copy and paste this text into your email, complete with your info and additional (polite, respectful, succinct) comments:


I am a New Mexico film student, and I ask for your support in defeating Senate Bill 235. Film is an integral and important part of the New Mexico economy, and I am relying on it for my career.

Senate Bill 235 would shortcut all that I am studying for, and put a heavy burden on all those in New Mexico who benefit from this dynamic industry.

If you have been a supporter of film in the past, I would like to thank you, and encourage your continued support. If you are in favor of 235, I would like to ask that you please evaluate the significant impact your position would have on one of New Mexico's most productive and economically viable industries, and please vote against this bill.

I welcome and appreciate your support on this critical matter.


Film and Technology Academy
Atrisco Heritage Academy High School
Albuquerque, NM

Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Actors and Dancers, wake up!

AUDITIONS at Albuquerque little theater

Up next…


Directed by Henry Avery
Musical Direction by Darby Fegan
Choreography by Larry Aguilar

This is a large cast of about 30, with great roles available for strong dancer/singers and character actors. African-American actors are encouraged to audition.

Ages 16 and up may audition, with the exception of 12 to 14 year-olds for the African-American, female role if Little Inez.


Vocal auditions, by appointment only*:
Saturday, March 12, noon-3:30 pm or
Sunday, March 13, 4:30-6:00 pm

Prepare 32 bars of music from Hairspray or another Broadway musical to sing. (Up-beat, pop style songs preferred.) Bring sheet music for piano accompaniment, an accompanist will be available. You may also bring an accompaniment CD & player if you prefer.

*Sign-up for your appointment time today by calling the ALT box office at 242-4750, X2.


Dance auditions at 4 PM on Saturday, 6 PM on Sunday. (Please be dressed in dance attire. No jeans. Dance shoes preferred.)

What's it all about?

Our agenda for next Wednesday's trip:

This is why we have to advocate in Santa Fe!

Copy and Paste into your URL:

Absence forms for SF Field Trip

Jaguar Absence forms will be distributed Tuesday and Wednesday to those students who have received clearance from the teaching teams to attend next Wednesday's field trip.
All students must audition with Ms. T prior to receiving the absence form.

Absence forms must be signed by "A" Day Teachers, by you and your parent/guardian, and returned to me by Friday. The first 40 forms turned in will be allowed to attend; after that, there's no room on the bus for slackers.

PLEASE NOTE: You MUST arrange a ride home next Wednesday; we won't return to school until 4:30.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

word. support your communi-TAY!

The Albuquerque independent film community in action!

A message to all members of Indie Q

From Fans of Film:

The Fans Of Film Show is being produced for local TV networks and the web! The show is asking for 10 min filmmaker interviews and reels, 1 1/2 min shorts of any genre, and fan videos shouting "we love movies" and what your favorite movie is. All videos can be be posted to our Youtube Channel, or in the forum or just give Michael a call at 505 934 7592 and make arrangements to drop of at the studio. The best videos we receive go on the show!!

The Fans Of Film Show will provide different content than any other film show as we highlight filmmakers, films, film sites, film resources, film profiles on Twitter, and any other film related stuff we may happen to wanna throw on the show, including some live action and animated content. A social media experiment and one of the the first true social productions of it's kind in Albuquerque and on the web.

Note: Everyday we talk to somebody that doesn't know about some of the cool independent films self distributing online, in our opinion there is still a huge disconnect with fans and the independent film movement online. It will be our continuing effort to support the filmmaking community, and to promote the highest quality entertainment and future projects.

If you would like to get involved or support this project give Michael a call or visit the campaign page on Indiegogo at

See our video's at


Fans Of Film Studio

Visit Indie Q at:

Monday, January 31, 2011

Ridiculously Easy Green Screen

1. Go to iMovie Prefs and make sure SHOW ADVANCED TOOLS is checked. For some reason, it unchecks itself, so i always make sure this is turned on each time before doing Greenscreen
2. Make sure your background still is loaded into iPhoto & accessible in iMovie, or your background video clip is imported into event library
3. Drag background still or background video into Project Window FIRST
4. Drag greenscreen video clip ON TOP of background still or video till you see a green plus sign
5. Once you get green plus sign, window will pop up allowing you to select Green Screen
6. THAT'S IT!! You can open Inspector and go to video tab to adjust things like brightness/contrast etc. Try to shoot greenscreen video clip with only greenscreen behind subject, but if wall gets into clip, you can do some cropping in iMovie to get rid of it.

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Santa Fe Signup

See me today if you wish to sign up for the trip to Santa Fe on Film & Media Day, Feb. 16th.
Please be advised of the following:

We will only take students who are interested in participating in an ENTIRE DAY of workshops, tours, networking, and advocating for programs like ours and the preservation of Film Incentives in New Mexico. You'll be working with adults all day long, and must stay focused and professional at all times.

I'd like to accommodate those people interested in touring the Santa Fe University of Art & Design campus, but you must be able to walk for 90 minutes without issues.

10 students will be handpicked from this group to speak to the New Mexico State Legislature---all of our State Senators and Representatives---about the importance of Film Incentives and the relationship of Film Education programs (like our Academy) to the preservation of those incentives. I will be auditioning students personally.

This is your chance to participate in your community, in the political system, and to meet lots of interesting people in the film industry. Sign up with me today; I will cap the list at 40 people.

Set Design Magic

Copy and paste this into your URL for a beautiful article on set design:

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

Auditions Feb. 5th

(Subli)minal Gaming is holding auditions for their upcoming game, Bit-Chaos! They need to fill 6 out of 8 of their main roles. Looking for both male and female actors between the ages of 10 - 26 to fill main roles. Open auditions for supporting roles and extras!

It would be recommended that you come prepared with a monologue but it is not required. We will have selections of our script for people to read off of for the audition.

If you have a headshot a...nd/or resume please email them to

Due to a low budget, we will not be able to provide any form of monetary compensation. But we hope that this doesn't discourage you from wanting to taking part in our exciting project.

We are planning to begin shooting mid to late Summer with a month long timeframe for the live action shoot. Voice over work is planned to be done within a 2 month timeframe.

Come to Flying Star Cafe Downtown on February 5th from 2pm to 4pm. We will have a cold read ready for you but it is also recommended to have a short monologue that is shorter than 2 minutes. Come early to sign in and have your picture taken.

Read more here

Friday, January 21, 2011


We had an unbelievable turnout last night--over 150 people! Thanks to everyone who showed up to help, support the project, and show off your hard work to your family. Ms. Urioste, Ms. Salazar and I are very, very proud of you.

Thursday, January 20, 2011

WJ this weekend

If you signed up to shadow on Wild Justice, please see me today.


It's the culmination of 2 months' hard work and ambition. Thanks to everyone who's pulled together to help complete the Immigration project; I'm looking forward to this evening!

Friday, January 14, 2011

Time for some Action!

Countdown: 4 Days.

Every color-coded segment must be imported into the final project on one computer today, and put in some semblance of order. This will require support from a lot of people, and also that I not be distracted by people who aren't doing their job. PLEASE stay on task. Thanks.

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Countdown: 1 Week

With only 4 work days to go until Immigration Night, the pressure is on.

Everyone will be assigned a task during the Rough Cut process--it may be for this project, or for one of the many, many other projects that have landed in our laps this week. Please stay on task---this is an incredibly stressful time for all of us, and your cooperation and complete participation will ensure that you not only earn your daily editing points, but also that no one bites your head off. (Especially me!)

Monday, January 10, 2011

Wild Justice rides again!

They're baaaaaaaaaack! The Wild Justice crew returns for Round 4 the weekend of Jan. 22 and 23. More details forthcoming, but it's a 2-day shoot with opportunities to shadow on either day.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

ACT Registration Deadline is tomorrow!

The deadline to register for the February ACT exam date is Friday, January 7. To register students must go Students receiving free or reduced lunch must come to the College “Go” Center to receive a fee waiver.
Upcoming Test Dates
ACT Test Dates
Regular Deadline
Late Fee Required
February 12, 2011
January 7, 2011
January 8-21, 2011
April 9, 2011
March 4, 2011
March 5-18, 2011
June 11, 2011
May 6, 2011
May 7-20, 2011
To register go to
Atrisco Heritage Academy school code: 320119

Wednesday, January 5, 2011


made ya look.
it's a casting call, this saturday, for a locally filmed indie trilogy.
copy and paste into your url: