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Monday, December 16, 2013

Tuesday, Dec. 17th

Period 4: Day 5 of shooting!

Monday, Dec. 16

Period 3:  Day 3 of shooting!

Wednesday, December 11, 2013

Period 3, Day 2 Call Sheet

Hey there!  Here's your call sheet for Thursday, Dec. 12th.

Nice job on the Vocab Quiz last week!  I'm proud of the class!!!  We'll graph those today and grade the video questions, and prep for tomorrow's shoot.

Looks like we'll be able to squeeze in ONE more day of filming---next Monday, Dec. 16th.  1st AD will prep a call sheet for that day.

Tuesday, December 10, 2013

Friday, Dec. 13th Pd 4

Period 4, 12/10/13  Day 2 of 23

Hey, nice job on the Vocab!! I'm proud of you!
Brrrr, it's COLD!  We'll finish shooting Scene 1 this morning.  Grip, Gaffer and Camera Dept. will go to set first, and the rest of the crew will join them at 9:50 a.m.  That means that the above-mentioned teams will have to hustle to get set up!!!

We'll try to finish shooting by 10:40, and come back to grade the "Made in New Mexico" video questions.

Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Call Sheet:  Period 3  
Day 1   12/4/13

Sunday, December 1, 2013

Still Dreaming of Turkey...

Snap out of that Food Coma!  It's time to make a movie!

Period 3 should be ready for their Practice Run of Day 1 of shooting, using all scripts, make-up, talent, camera, sound and grip that we've planned for the day.  We will review the Call Sheet before we begin.
Period 4 should be ready for their actual Day 1 of shooting.  Refer to the Call Sheet for details.  Here we gooooooooooo!!!!!!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Turkey Week!

Gobble Gobble!  Happy Holiday week!  It's a shorty, for sure.

Thanks to everyone who participated in the Friday Report Outs.  I think it gave everyone a good idea of how important each department is to the Pre-Production Process.

** Field Trip has been postponed until next week.  Art Department, stay tuned for details.

Obviously, 3rd Period has some work to do before you are ready to do a practice shoot.  Note to 1st AD and Producer:  this may affect our shooting schedule.  The class needs to complete Pre-Production planning activities TODAY (Monday 11/25).

4th Period, we are going to try a "practice shoot" for Day 1 of Production.  DP: Storyboard MUST be completed ASAP so that we can do this!

I'll verify your shooting schedule with you at the end of class today.

Friday, Nov. 22nd

Brrrrr!!!!  Bundle up, kiddo, it's chilly out there!

Before we get snowed in for, like, a week, let's take care of business:


You'll explain what you have been up to, what issues you have/help you need, what the crew needs to know about your readiness for filming after Thanksgiving Break.  That's right.....we are moving into PRODUCTION AFTER THANKSGIVING BREAK!!!

If your department has any lingering work to complete after that, you will focus on getting it done.

Everyone else gets to finish watching "How To" videos on YouTube!  YAY!

Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Help Wanted: Extras

Hi All,
As I'm reviewing your scripts, I've noticed that each class has a scene or two that need extra "non-principal" actors; whether they be federal agents, giggling girls, or zombies.
These small parts are essential for creating atmosphere in the script, and we need your help.
Anyone who is willing to volunteer for these parts will really be helping the team out tremendously.

I'm going to ask that the 1st AD and Director submit to me a list of all "bit parts"----those roles that may or may not have speaking lines, but appear on camera---before Friday, so that we can begin to determine who will play those roles.  This is essential for our Art Department, who has to take care of all of their makeup, props and wardrobe (which requires advance planning).

Art Department and Directors:  We will be taking a trip to the Prop House on Monday, Nov. 25th at lunchtime to select Wardrobe, Props and Set Decoration items for your film.  It is crucial that all decisions for these items be made before Monday, and a master list created for each department.  This will make our work much easier when we go to the Prop House.
You will receive a Jag Absence that must be signed (including Parent Signatures) and returned to me by Friday.

We'll have a Crew Meeting on Friday to review Shooting Schedules, Locations, final Casting, Art Dept. needs, Storyboards and Camera/Lighting Setups so that everyone knows where we're headed.  Each Department Head will report out on their progress.

Tuesday, November 12, 2013

Up Next: Pre-Production

Hey All,
Now it's time to get busy!  We're going to do our best to cast talent for our productions this week.  Please consider playing a bit part (small, non speaking role) or extra to help us out.
Locations:  Finalize ALL locations for the shoot and submit to Exec Prod.
DP/Camera:  Create Storyboard (utilize non-essential crew for stand-in talent).
Gaffer:  Design Circuit Maps and Lighting Layout for ALL locations.
Art Dept:  Assemble all props & wardrobe; demo's on makeup.
Talent:  Read & memorize script, rehearse.
1st AD/Producer:  Script breakdown and schedule.
Scriptwriter:  FINAL script revisions due TODAY!

Friday, November 8, 2013

Friday, Nov. 8th

First:  Lots of folks have been disregarding Lab Rules #1 & 2 lately, and as a result, this lab looks like a dump.  We're going to fix that.
Period 3 will continue to work in departments.  Lighting in Studio, Audio & Editing on Foley and soundtrack, Art Dept reviews packets with me, Production team schedules casting.
Period 4 will vote on scripts.

Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Moving from Development to Pre-Production

As classes complete their scripts (and Period 4 votes on which one to use), departments will meet to begin planning for their film.  This will look slightly different for each department, and will depend on Department Heads to stay organized and on-task.  You will be graded on participation (5 points per day) based on the evaluation rubric.

Department meetings are designed to help small teams within the crew prepare for filming.

Period 4 scripts MUST be finished Tuesday, Nov. 5th in order for the class to move into Pre-Production!!! 

Friday, November 1, 2013

Today we'll review your Round 2 Practice footage, and have a short department meeting.

Today, please check your grades on the front board.  Any missing work from October (highlighted in green at the bottom) can be turned in today.  Grades close next Tuesday. 

Also....Wardrobe, did you grab my shiny blue scarf? 

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Continue to Prep for Production

While our screenwriting team finishes the script, the rest of us will go into the Production Studio to get some more practice on Set Readiness. 

Thursday, October 17, 2013

Divide and Conquer

Hiya!  Soooo, today you will finish your 1-page "spec" script in Celtx and print it.  I'll give you 30 minutes to do that.   If you like writing stories, please mark your script with a big "S" at the top next to your name before you turn it in.


  • We'll talk about what makes a story "good", and what makes a story "great".
  • We'll decide on key points for our film:  Character types, story arc and plot points
  • I'll choose the screenwriting team (2 to 3 people) for your film, and they'll get to work next week on your script.
In the meantime, we'll learn a little about types of films with our Genre Studies series.
Because it's October, we'll start with HORROR!

Don't look now...he's right behind you!!!

Each GENRE we study will be worth 60 points.  You'll take notes as we learn about the "Rules" of each Genre, and watch examples.

Genre: an identifiable type, category, classification or group of films that have similar techniques or conventions.

For this assignment, you'll need a piece of paper.  Keep these notes IN YOUR FOLDER until it's time to turn them in.

Format your paper like THIS, leaving space between each category:

Genre Studied:

(Definition goes here)

(List goes here)
Key Idea/Activities/Plot Structure:

(Key identifiers and ideas go here)

Main Character Type(s):

(You'll note the kinds of characters that always show up in these movies)
Typical Art Department (Costume, Location, Style):

(You'll note the kinds of elements that give these movies their signature "look") 

Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Wed. Oct. 16th

Pd. 3:  You need to choose your story idea today; then we'll finish reviewing script format.  I'd like to get into the Celtx demo today if possible!

Pd. 4: We'll look at your cheat sheet for scripting today, and start reviewing how to use Celtx to write a script.

Monday, October 14, 2013

Tuesday, Oct. 15th

Welcome Back! Hope you had a restful Fall Break.

It's time to get ready for our Short Film!  After we view and critique our "How-To" videos, we'll decide on a story idea, and review Script Format using several examples.  Then, it's time for everyone to practice writing one page of script for our film.  We'll use Celtx to do this; it's a graded assignment, and everyone will complete it during class this week.

"How-To" Peer Critique:
You'll need a clean sheet of paper for this assignment.
Leave space to critique 3 videos.

For each video, complete the following, using a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high):

1.  Rate the quality of the imagery; did they use multiple shot types, or just one long, swervy shot?  Did they get creative with their compositions?

2.  Rate the quality of the audio;  are the directions clear, and easy to understand?  Is the audio properly balanced?

3.  Rate the clarity of the tutorial; is the "how-to" easy to follow and understand?  Would you be able to complete the task, based on the directions given?

4.  Rate the creativity of the video; is it interesting to watch?  Did the student add in unique elements that set this video apart from others you've seen?

You'll receive 1 point for each rating, and 2 points for your explanation.  
You can earn a total of  36 points  for this assignment.

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

"How-To" is DUE!

Your "How-To" video is due on MY YouTube Channel today.  Follow the directions on Wednesday's post for uploading; give yourself 15 minutes to complete this.

Monday, October 7, 2013

Short Week

Hi All,
A few things on this short short week:
  • Today is absolutely the last day to submit your Portfolio Intro for a make-up grade.  I will not re-grade those after this week.
  • Your "How-To" Video is due on Wednesday.  See the previous post for specific grading requirements.
  • Lots of folks still owe their class fees.  More phone calls home today.
  • Period 3 needs to finish presentations
  • Both DFP2 classes need to choose a story idea!

Friday, October 4, 2013

"How-To" due Wednesday, Oct. 9th

Your completed "How-To" video must be fully edited and uploaded to YouTube on Wednesday, Oct. 9th for a possible 110 points.  You will be rated on the following:
  • Quality of Audio  (Loud enough to hear but not too loud, all instructions are clearly audible, no excessive background noise)  25 points
  • Quality of Video (Variety of shot types, good composition, stable camera work, no single-shot "sprinkler" segments)25 points
  • Clarity of sequencing and instruction (steps are in order and make sense) 25 points
  • Quality of Editing (excess footage trimmed, only relevant footage included, no "jump cuts" or rough cuts between clips) 25 points
  • Title and credits included, with no errors in spelling or grammar  10 points

Follow these Steps to upload to MY YouTube account (and yours, if you have one):
Step 1:  Go to "Share---YouTube"
 Step 2:  Use my login and password to access my YouTube page; name your file; choose "Large" size; and click NEXT
 Step 3:  Publish
Step 4: Wait for video to upload.  Repeat process for YOUR YouTube channel by logging in with YOUR email and password for Step 2.

Tuesday, October 1, 2013

Aw. Mah. Gaw. Best Job Ever.



Synopsis:  A psychic teen tries to maintain a normal life, while waging a secret war with a sadistic serial killer, in order to save lives by influencing future events.

Production Title: Hunter’s Game

Project: SAG Web series pilot

Production Location: Albuquerque, NM

Director:  Mary Haarmeyer

Casting will take place October 7th, 8th and 9th.  Appointment only

Timeline:  A web series Pilot to be filmed on or around October 21st – November 8th.

Please email headshots and resume to:

If you have submitted to Chris Ranney already please do not submit again.

Please, bring two headshots and resumes – NO EXCEPTIONS!


Hunter Williams: (Caucasian Male) Lead role - A haunted teen, age 17-19, athletic build, black/brown hair, tall (No tattoos/piercings). Hunter is a leader to his peers and a joy to his family.  Haunted by visions of a past he was too young to prevent, Hunter hides a dark secret.  Hunter’s life is a meticulous balancing act of deception, loss, hope, fear, failure, secrets and quiet redemption.

KEIRA DALEY: (Female) A dark, secretive, teen, age 16-18, who has come to live with Alayna Sage after being removed from her violent home.  After seeing Hunter, Keira recognizes him for the gifted psychic he is and is determined to ingrain herself into his life with an agenda all her own.

MADISON ROGERS: (Caucasian Female) A beautiful, smart, strong Christian, 16-19, Madison is the light to Keira & Alayna’s dark in Hunter’s world. Madison is Hunter’s balance, his foothold with the acceptable side of life.  Though sweet, she is not perfect.

SIERRA LAWRENCE: (Female) Best friend to Madison, 16-19, and girlfriend to Noah, Sierra is a teen born in the wrong era.  Free-spirited and gypsy-like, Sierra is the one who is always throwing a wrench in the works for those around her.  Outspoken and daring, Sierra’s live-out-loud presence sometimes draws unwanted attention from the wrong people.

NOAH PARKER: (Male) A comedic dreamer and hopeless optimist, 17-19, Noah is Hunter’s best friend.  For all of Hunter’s seriousness, Noah’s happy-go-lucky attitude helps lighten Hunter’s dark and heavy emotions.  Deep down however, Noah is harboring his own demons.

TRACEY WILLIAMS: (Caucasian Female) The “got-it-all-together” wife of Ethan Williams, age 32.  Tracey is the glue that holds Ethan’s family together. Unaware of the troubled past that Ethan, Brayden and Hunter share, Tracey tries to bridge the ever-widening gap between the three men.  

ZACHARY WILLIAMS: (Caucasian Male) Hunter’s new rambunctious stepbrother, 9-11, who is a big part of Hunter and Ethan’s lives.

LUKE KINARD:  (Male) – Fun-loving detective, 28, always finds the bright side to life, no matter how dark the world around him becomes.  Brayden’s new partner from Houston, TX.

Isaac Reynolds: (Male) A methodical, child-serial killer, strong, athletic type, 25, who begins a battle of wits with Hunter.

GABRIEL FLORES: (Hispanic Male) Aggressive but likeable, young detective, age 29, working his way up the ranks.

AMY CORRALES: (Female) A happy-go-lucky child, 6-9, that is kidnapped from her home, but later saved by Hunter.

CYNTHIA CORRALES: (Female) Loving Mother to Amy, 30-35.

REX MARTINEZ: (Hispanic Male) Quiet, cautious, best friend to Zachary Williams, 9-11.

PAGE WILLIAMS: Gentle spirited, first wife of Ethan Williams, 28, dark hair, slender build.

ZOEY WILLIAMS: Outgoing, talkative, older sister to Hunter, age 7-9. Blonde hair if possible.

FEEBEE WILLIAMS: Opinionated, eccentric, classy, but over all, loving and caring mother to Ethan Williams and grandmother to Hunter, 65 or older.

YOUNG BOY, age 7, to play murder victim of Isaac.

We will also need extras for police, detectives, mechanics, coffee house customers, and volunteer workers at warehouse.

Visit Indie Q at:

Applying for Your Job

Period 4:
After we've graded the Production Hierarchy, you will apply for a job on the crew.

Open a New File in Microsoft Word.  Format it as shown in my example, filling in all of the blank areas with statements about yourself.

On the bottom half of the page, write at least 2 ideas for a story that we can base our film on.


Monday, September 30, 2013

Check out this opportunity!

Media Arts and Film Teachers,
I wanted to make sure you saw this. I am getting back to my old tricks of teaching kids to have 
fun by making movies! And this time, I have teamed with Albuquerque's Film and Media Experience
 to bring a little screenwriting contest to the mix. 
Check out the submission page; submit to AFME's The SHOT
I would like to get the chance to talk to any students you have that might have an interest in 
creating a Sci Fi script for the contest. I am also running a Film Lab every Tuesday night from 4-6 
at Warehouse 508 for students interested in working on projects! So as you can see, a lot going on,
 I just need kids with talent and ideas! 
If you know any please get in touch! I have also set up a facebook page for the
 AFME Youth Film Lab if you wanna check it out and give us a like!
Thanks Again
Darryl DeLoach
505 463-2569

Friday, September 27, 2013

Digital Connectors Class----on campus!!!

Check out this post from Mr. Soto:

Help us make connections and expand digital literacy!
Hi everyone I wanted to reach out to our school about this program. It is a fantastic program for any of your students who love computers and want to learn more than just how to Facebook and Tweet. The Comcast Digital Connectors program. Upon completing the program at the end of the school year students will have earned a Cisco IT Essentials certificate of completion and receive a complimentary Netbook computer. With this certificate students will have the knowledge to take the CompTIA A+ certification exam to allow them an entry-level position in the Information Technology field.
This program is usually held at the Hispano Chamber of Commerce so it is difficult for our students to find rides but for this year, with the help of the Atrisco Heritage Foundation, the class will be help here at Atrisco. Please talk to your students about this program and if they are interested you can send them to me at F-113 for an application or send me their name and I will get them an application. Below is more information if you would like and I have attached a link to the video about the program.
Please help me promote this program to our students.
Roland Soto
Atrisco Heritage Academy
Business Technology Teacher
505-243-1458 Ext. 60056
About the program
Comcast Digital Connectors was created to help low-income communities understand the benefits of using broadband, and making it part of their lives (what’s known as “broadband adoption”). The Comcast Digital Connectors program takes that mission a step further by making it possible for hundreds of young adults ages 14 to 21 to develop their skills in using computers, applications and the Internet, and then take what they’ve learned out into their communities to make a difference.
The Digital Connectors train two to three times per week at their local school, community center or affordable housing development to hone their technical skills. The curriculum also provides them with life skills that inspire educational advancement and workforce preparation. Each Connectors team has the opportunity to see where their hard work can lead, as they interact with Comcast employees from around the country who serve as role models by lending their leadership and expertise to local programs.
Digital Connectors commit to provide several hours a month volunteering at community-based organizations, senior centers, churches, local schools, and even reaching out to their own families and friends, to make everyone aware of how broadband can change their lives and helping them to get connected.

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Another Cool Opportunity!

Dear  New Mexico Film Community  .
Albuquerque Film & Media Experience, AFME Foundation and Trimecca, LLC are proud to present AFME’s Student Screenwriting Contest called The Shot.
Talented high school and college students will have an opportunity to showcase their abilities, thought process and writing skills by creating a 10-20 page science fiction script, with the winning story being produced and screened at next year’s AFME, taking place June 2-8, 2014.
Attached, please find the call for scripts with guidelines and the submission form to be distributed to the student community.  This information can also be found at  The deadline of November 15th is just around the corner.
We look forward to giving one of your students a shot to tell their story and see it on the big screen.
For more information about AFME, please visit

Tuesday, September 24, 2013

Missing Work from 9/20 and 9/23; Production Hierarchy

Thank you to the students who completed the assignments that I gave you while I was gone.  Those of you who were here, and did not complete the assignment, have received a Zero (0) for failing to complete the work.

For Period 3, that includes both the Peer Critique from Friday and the Production Hierarchy from Monday.

For Period 4, it's the Peer Critique that was due on Friday.

Today (9/24) 4th Period will watch the 4 Videos and complete their Production Hierarchy worksheet.  This is the first step in getting us ready for our team-based short film.

9/25 3rd Period will grade the Production Hierarchy worksheet.

Everyone should follow the Equipment Checkout schedule on the back board to ensure that your footage is shot before the due date next week (Oct. 2nd for Pd. 3, Oct. 3rd for Pd. 4).  Raw footage is due on your computer THAT DAY.

Thursday, September 19, 2013

Friday, Sept. 20th---Reviewing your Practice Footage

Follow these steps for your graded assignment today.  You will sit with your partner after Mr. Key has taken attendance and released you to work!!!

  1. Retrieve your SD Card from the labeled box on my desk.  YOU are responsible for knowing which card you used!!!  Not sure?  Check them ALL.
  2. Load card into your computer.  Your partner will sit next to you.
  3. Get a piece of paper.  Put your name, Period #, and today's date at the top.
  4. Launch iMovie (you must do this after you load the SD Card)
  5. Bring up the import window to watch your footage.
  6. You DO NOT need to import the footage----just watch it in the preview window!
  7. As you watch the practice sessions in iMovie, both of you must answer these questions separately on your own paper:
  • Whose "How To" is this?  What is their name, and their topic?
  • Rate the quality of the imagery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on composition, white balance, appropriate background.
  • Rate the quality of the audio on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on the clarity of the speaker's voice, appropriate volume, amount of background noise.
  • Rate the professional quality of their delivery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on the presenter's attitude, how seriously they take the instructions, and their ability to clearly communicate each step.
  • Rate the sequencing their delivery on a scale of 1 (low) to 5 (high).  Base your rating on whether they created a series of steps and presented them in a clear order that makes sense.
  • Do you believe you would be able to successfully complete the task they are trying to teach you?  Why or why not?

EVERY STUDENT  should complete two of these reviews.  Didn't record yours?  Go visit another team.
EACH SET OF RESPONSES is worth 12 points, for a total of 24 points Assignment is due in my black basket today.

Final steps:
  1. Eject the SD Card when finished and return to the box on my desk.
  2. Log out.

Tuesday, September 17, 2013

Missing Storyboards

The following students must complete Storyboards before they can sign up for equipment or complete their "practice filming" session:

Pd. 3:
 Nick Harrod
Cody Lamberth
Andrew Martinez
Carlos Rodriguez
Reyes Sandoval
Cesar Segovia-Rios

Pd. 4:
Noe Delgado
Cody Green
Fabiola Leon
Justin Pena
Andrew Sanchez

Monday, September 16, 2013

Job Opportunity

From Indie Q:

Lionsgate / Pantelion Films feature shooting in Albuquerque mid Oct – mid Nov. Seeking interns for: Production Office, Art Department, Costumes, etc. Film experience desired, but not necessary. Must have GREAT attitude, desire to learn, ability to take direction & be professional. Must have own car (will reimburse mileage). No pay but possible school credit available. AMAZING opportunity to work on a feature film with a legitimate local crew. Email resumes to: Indicate in teh subject line the department you’d be most interested in.

Visit Indie Q at:

Catching UP

Hi All,
Thanks once again for your patience and understanding this past week while I've been out, and being so wonderful when I'm here.  It's good to be back in the classroom with you!

We're wrapping up our Power Point Presentations on Careers; if you have not submitted yours, please do so today.  Everyone must sign up for Presentations.

Now we're catching up to our "How To" Videos.  Everyone must sign up to take equipment in the next 8 business days.  See the calendar on the back board. 
Raw footage for your "How To" video is due Wed. 10/2 (Pd. 3) or Thurs. 10/3 (Pd. 4) for 20 points.  Late footage = 0 points.

Pd. 3: We're shooting storyboards today.  Please scroll down to the Storyboarding post for instructions.  Sign up for your Presentation!

Pd. 4: We're starting Career Presentations today, and then we're going to do a Practice Shoot using your Storyboard, to make sure you're prepared for your "How To" video.

Here's the Lesson Plan, in case you're curious:

Wednesday, September 11, 2013

How to format your citations in your Power Point presentation

Remember, anything you borrow from a website or other source in your research must be cited using APA style (scroll down to Monday's post to see how to cite in APA format).

Here's how the citation should appear on the Power Point slide, along with your information:

You'll notice that I have put the URL and the access date underneath the information that I "borrowed" from this site.  Do this for all the research info, data, images, etc. that you pull from the web.  Use that APA format that I've demonstrated on Monday's Blog Post.

Sunday, September 8, 2013

Plan B

Hi All,
I'm sorry, but I have to be away for a family emergency today.  Things are kind of tough, so I'm asking for your understanding and patience.  We're going to change what we're doing while I'm gone.  Relax, you were going to have to do this later in the semester anyway, okay?  We're just getting it done now.

If you have questions, or need help, click on the Comments link at the bottom of this post.  Tell me who you are, and what you want to know.  I'll post a response to help you.

We will complete Storyboards and resume your "How To" project when I get back.  For now, though, here's what we'll do:

Investigating a Career: Conducting Research and Presenting Information
Below you'll see my lesson plan on investigating a career and creating a presentation about that career.  Within the plan, there are links to websites and resources you can use, in addition to just doing a plain ol' Google Search.  (I know it says something about broadcasting your presentation.  Don't worry about that.)

Basically, you have to create a 5-slide Power Point Presentation about the career you research for me.  Included in the Lesson Plan below are all of the requirements for the slides, what this project is worth in points, and how you will be graded.  Pay special attention to the "Outcomes" part of page 1.  It tells you exactly what to put in your presentation.

After that are all of the examples you need to get started.  Click once on each image to bring it up full screen, so you can read it.

You may work ON YOUR OWN or WITH ONE OTHER PERSON.  NO TEAMS OF 3!!  It just doesn't work.  I won't approve it.

Here's the Lesson Plan:

Here's a tutorial on using Power Point, if you're new to it:

Here's how to take a screen shot of data, salary info and statistics you want to use:
 This cool little thing shows up that looks like a crosshairs  

and you use it to draw a box around what you want to take a picture of on your screen.  It automatically takes the picture and saves it to your desktop.  Then, you can use it in your Power Point!  Neat, huh?

Here's how I want you to track and cite the websites you use:

And finally, here's how I'll grade your presentation when I get back:

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Next in the Pre-Production (Planning) Process: Storyboards!

Storyboards are graphic organizers in the form of illustrations or images displayed in sequence for the purpose of pre-visualizing a motion picture, animation, motion graphic or interactive media sequence.
The storyboarding process, in the form it is known today, was developed at the Walt Disney Studio during the early 1930s, after several years of similar processes being in use at Walt Disney and other animation studios.

But really, if you think about it.....long, long ago, before movies were even invented, people used storyboards to tell a story in sequence:

That's right.....
Cave paintings were the very first Storyboards!  You know what that means:

If a caveman could do it, so can YOU!

In DFP2, we use a Digital Storyboarding software called Celtx.  I'll demonstrate how to use it during class.  If you'd like to download a free copy of the software at home, visit 

  • The main purpose of Storyboarding is to help organize and plan your Key Shots (the most important shots in your video), and make sure that you're creating an interesting sequence of images to tell your story.  How do you know if you're successful?  You can hand your Storyboard to a perfect stranger, and after they've read it, they know what your story is about, and have a good idea of what happens in the story.    
  • Another purpose of Storyboarding is to make sure that you are using a variety of quality shot types to create a movie that is interesting to watch.  High-quality composition plays a part in separating your work from that of a beginner.

SO....what do you have to do?
Working with a partner during class, you will take a Still Camera and your Step-by-Step Instructions out on to campus.  Find a location that is similar to your setting; don't worry if it's not perfect.  While you act out each step of your "How To" Video, your partner will take a photograph.  Be sure to work with them to create a variety of shot types.

For example, when you start the video, use a "Master Shot"---usually a Long Shot or Wide Shot--- to let your audience know where you are:
For my video on "How To Use Hand Sanitizer in the Classroom", I'm showing a master shot of the sanitizer in the classroom.  I could go even wider and show the whole room if I wanted to!

Next, you typically cut to a close-up of the person doing the video:
In this case, it's your host, Dakota, here to talk about what to do when you have germ-y hands!

And so on....and so on....until you have shot a photograph of each step of your video.
Don't worry if you don't have the right props.  I care about only two things:
  • Shot types/Composition:  Are you creating a variety of shots that make for an interesting video?  Are you avoiding repetitious shots?  (10 points)
  • Sequencing:  Are you creating a series of images that tell the complete story, without leaving out any MAJOR details? (10 points)

The Celtx demo will show you how to import, label and manage your shots to create a Storyboard.  Once it's done, you'll print it before the end of class and turn it in for a 20 point grade!

P.S.--This takes longer than you think, so don't waste a minute of time today!

Monday, September 2, 2013

How to Begin Creating a "How-To" Video

There should be a video teaching you how to create a "How-To" video....

Click this link:

How To Make A "How To" Video

Thanks, Matt!  (Next time turn on a light, bro!)

Now, it's your turn!  Need some inspiration?  Visit my You Tube channel:
Ms. T's "How To" Collection

Here are a few more of my favorite examples (not made by my students):
How to Make A Hamburger
How To Climb A Tree 
How To Dress Like A Ninja 
How to Straighten Your Hair Without Heat 
How to Win in Halo 3
How to Kick A Soccer Ball

Yeah, so you're surfing YouTube as part of this assignment.  Stay on task, and don't try to convince me that Miley Cyrus video is somehow related to your topic.  You can call your mom and explain it to her  

Soooo, you were supposed to make up your mind about your "How To" topic by today.  Tell me your topic, then it's time to do some more research.
  • Watch several example videos on YouTube that match your "How To" category.  This will give you ideas, and make sure you're not copying someone else's technique.
  • You must spend at least 10 minutes of class typing step-by-step directions for your process in Microsoft Word.  These directions are for your “How-To” video, and they are due today.  Number your steps!  This ensures you won’t forget a step in the script.  They must be precise and descriptive.  Do not summarize or skip a step.  I mean, jeez, if you can't explain it in writing, how are you gonna make a video that people can understand?!?! 
  • Once I have approved your directions and you have printed them, you will start creating a digital storyboard.  I'll demo how to do that in Celtx.
  •  Your storyboard is due at the end of the next class period (Thursday B, Friday A).
  •  You will need to schedule shooting for your "How To" video over the course of the next week, either during or outside of class.  You may check out equipment and props from me as needed.  Do Not shoot footage on your cell phone.  It will suck.
  • Raw footage for your "How To" video is due Wed. 9/18 (Pd. 3) or Thurs. 9/19 (Pd. 4) for 20 points.  Late footage = 0 points.

Thursday, August 29, 2013

Editing your Intro

We'll review loading SD Cards, importing footage, and editing in iMovie.  Today, you'll have time to edit your introduction and make audio and color corrections if necessary.

Your edited introduction is due as a Quick Time on Friday for 60 pts.

eCademy Notice


Please make sure 11th and 12th grade students eCademy (credit recovery) know this:

Students should have already started to log on and work on their online class and should have already attended an orientation or still can Wednesday (8/28) or Thursday (8/29), at 4PM, 5PM or 6PM. Please remind them to bring their day school ID and they must be on time. If they have not logged on and started working by Sunday, they will be dropped. 

Mr. Gonzales

Friday, August 16, 2013


Hi All!  Ms. T here.  This is our Blog for Digital Film 2.  A blog is basically an online journal or newspaper, and it's how we'll communicate on a daily basis in this class.  

Bookmark this site in your browser (hold the "Command" and "D" keys down now, and choose "Bookmarks Toolbar"), so that you never have to type this address again!  Visit the blog daily as soon as you get to class, so that you know what's going on that day.

For example, an explanation of your first assignment is right over there!!!   ---------------------------------------->>>

We use the blog for:
  • Assignments. You'll get an introduction to assignments, written explanations, links to video and written tutorials, assignment requirements/grading scales, deadlines, links to examples and more!
  • Announcements.  There's always something exciting happening in the film community, and I'm happy to share that with you!  From classes to casting calls, screenings and workshops, you'll find it all here!
  • Reminders.  Project updates, rule reminders, suggestions and other info will pop up pretty regularly to help keep you on track.
  • Career and Community Connections.  Links to film and media industry groups, social networking and other professional tools, Film Academy events and announcements, and career exploration links will also appear on the blog (check out the sidebar at right for examples).

Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Tick Tock Tick Tock

Period 5: Portfolios due tomorrow, Thursday, May 16th.  We'll also review for the Final Exam, starting at 11:30.  Might as well finish the Portfolio today, and put it on the Hard Drive.

Periods 3 & 7:   You're better off finishing your Portfolio today, but if you insist on waiting until the last minute, know that they are due on Friday morning (a short C Day) at the latest.

Check the Portfolio Requirements (at right) to make sure you're not missing anything!

Monday, May 13, 2013

Last Week!!!

Your big deadline is on the horizon....that's right, PORTFOLIOS ARE DUE FRIDAY for Pds. 3 &7-----THURSDAY for Pd. 5!!!

Make sure you check the requirements listed to the right.  Remember, you still have to film & edit your introduction before then!!!

Periods 3 & 7:  "How-To" video is due on the external Hard Drive today as a QuickTime (.mov) file.  If you have a YouTube channel, upload it there also.  Then, start putting together ALL of your projects into a "final portfolio" project in iMovie.

Period 5:  We'll watch some of the "HowTo" videos today, and begin assembling your portfolio.

Thursday, May 9, 2013

Thursday, May 9th

Periods 3 & 7:  Footage for "How To" is due today.  Download and begin editing.  We'll spend two days on this, then submit the tutorials and finish your portfolios.  Over the next 3 days, you should take equipment to film your Portfolio Introduction.

Period 5:  Your "How To" video is due today.  Put a copy on my external Hard Drive, and upload a copy to your YouTube channel (if you have one).  Immediately begin working on your Introduction Script; it's due tomorrow.

Tuesday, May 7, 2013

Super Cool Summer School!

Hey, as far as summer classes go, this looks pretty BOMB!

Right now, the cost for AHA Students is $200.
We're trying to get the City of Albuquerque to kick in some Dolla$ for scholarships.
(I'll keep you posted on that part)
Sign up for the class here:

Monday, May 6, 2013

Woooooowwwww, you've got a busy week ahead of you!!!

Take a deep breath, grasshopper.  You have a LOT to do, and a short time to do it.
Buddha Says:  If you focus, and use your time wisely, you'll be juuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiine.
 This week's schedule:
Monday  C Day
Tuesday  A Day
Wednesday  B Day
Thursday  A Day
Friday  B Day
Periods 3 & 7:
So, you've procrastinated on shooting your "How To" video, huh?  Bummer.  'Cuz the raw footage is DUE THURSDAY when you get here.   I know, you're thinking:  "Thursday??  But that's usually a 'B' Day!!"  Not this time, little monkey.  It's an "A" Day, and your footage must be on your computer that day, for 20 points. 

Until then....  we're finishing the script for your portfolio, and putting ALL of your other projects on your computer (in Quick Time format, of course), in a NEW iMovie project.  This will become your portfolio.  Which is due next week (see column at right).  Yippeeee!!!!

Period 5:  
So you'll be editing your "How To" video today and tomorrow (yep, tomorrow's an 'A' Day!), and we'll upload it to YouTube on Thursday.  That way, we can spend next week finishing your Portfolio.  Which is due next week anyway (see column at right).  Hooray!

Friday, May 3, 2013

AMAZING Opportunity

NPR Radio Diaries and Cowbird are looking for teenagers with interesting stories to tell.
Want to submit your story?
 Click here:
Tell Your Story

Summer School Registration is Open!

APS Summer School

Thursday, May 2, 2013

5th Period Thursday May 2nd

Some storyboards still have not been turned in.  Those people will receive a Zero for the assignment.

Today's the last day to check out equipment and film your "How To" video.

Raw footage is due tomorrow for 20 points.  You will edit tomorrow, Monday and Tuesday.

Wednesday, May 8th, we'll upload your video to YouTube and the AHA Vimeo Channel.

TODAY we start on the Introduction for your Final Portfolio.  This will be the first thing someone sees when they "Play" your Portfolio movie.

To get started, answer the following questions in Microsoft Word.  Print and submit when done.

Step 1:  Complete a written response (in Word) to the questions below.  Save on your Desktop.
  • Introduce yourself, and the class you're in.
  • Tell us about your experiences in Film 2 class this year.
  • What jobs have you performed this year?
  • Can you explain some of the responsibilities you've held this year?
  • Talk a little bit about some of the technical skills you've learned this year?  (This should focus on equipment, techniques, processes.)
  • Can you describe some of the professional skills you've learned this year?  (This should focus on skills, job performance, concepts and principles you've learned.)
  • What benefit will this class have on your future?
Answer these questions on a Word file, for later use in a one- to two-page scripted introduction.  You'll base your introduction on your answers.